
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2022-02-17

2月7日夜,龙里县龙山镇的村民扛着花灯参加“亮灯巡寨”活动。在贵州省黔南布依族苗族自治州龙里县龙山镇大山深处,有一支传承多年的“草根”花灯戏班,戏班成员年龄最大87岁,最小不足8岁。戏班成员平时多在田间地头忙碌,劳动之余会聚在一块切磋,还给年轻人传授花灯戏技艺。逢年过节,乡邻们如有需要,他们就走村串寨为村民送去公益演出。如今,龙里太平花灯戏在当地政府的保护与支持下,已传承发展出“生旦净丑”剧唱、台上台下互动表演等多种表演形式。据了解,“龙里太平花灯”是流传于贵州省龙里县龙山镇的一种古老戏曲剧种,于2019年被列入贵州省非物质文化遗产名录。[新华社记者 杨文斌 摄]

A villager carries a lantern in Longshan Township, southwest China's Guizhou Province, Feb. 7, 2022. Deep in the mountains in Longli County, Qiannan Buyi and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, there is a grass-roots troupe performing Taiping Huadengxi, or Taiping lantern opera, in Longli. Taiping Huadengxi which combines singing and dancing is a traditional local opera in Guizhou and was enlisted as a provincial intangible cultural heritage in 2019. Most troupe members are ordinary farmers, who gather together after their farm work to rehearse and exchange experiences. The ages of its members range from 8 to 87 years old. On holidays, they visit nearby villages to perform for villagers, enriching their cultural lives. (Xinhua/Yang Wenbin)

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