
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2022-03-10

Inheritor of intangible cultural heritage of hemp weaving in Ningxia

在宁夏银川市月牙湖乡滨河家园四村非遗麻编手工坊,张璟(前中)查看村民们制作的产品(3月4日摄)。2017年底,自治区级麻编非遗传承人张璟来到位于黄河东岸的银川市月牙湖乡,开设麻编培训班吸收村民学员,并成立了非遗麻编手工坊,学员以妇女居多,最小的26岁,最大的70多岁。几年来,张璟奔走于银川市区与月牙湖乡之间,为村民们传授技艺并送去原材料,再将大家编好的粗加工产品带回,进行后期加工,设计制作出手包、收纳筐、钥匙扣等生活用品,还结合宁夏地域文化制作出文创产品。通过学习非遗技艺,月牙湖乡的妇女们在掌握一门手艺的同时,坚定了自力更生的生活信念,提升了艺术修养,精神面貌有了很大的改变。“精神、文化上带来的满足比经济效益更高、更珍贵。”张璟说。[新华社记者 杨植森 摄]

Zhang Jing (C front) checks the hemp weaving products made by the villagers in Yueyahu Township, Yinchuan, capital of northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, March 4, 2022. Zhang Jing, an inheritor of intangible cultural heritage of hemp weaving, came to Yueyahu Township at the end of 2017, and set up a training class and a hemp weaving workshop here. Most of the trainees are women, with the youngest 26 years old and the oldest over 70. In the past few years, Zhang Jing has been traveling between downtown Yinchuan and Yueyahu, teaching skills and sending raw materials to villagers, and bringing back rough-wrought products for post-processing. With these rough-wrought products, she designed daily necessities such as hand bags, storage baskets and key rings, and cultural and creative products combining cultural elements of Ningxia. By learning weaving skills, women of Yueyahu not only mastered a skill of craft, but also obtained stronger belief of self-reliance. "Spiritual and cultural satisfaction is more valuable than economic benefits," Zhang Jing said. [Photo/Xinhua]

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