
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2022-03-25

Wild Asian elephants rescued in Xishuangbanna, SW China

3月15日,野化训练结束后,“象爸爸”许云峰带着“龙龙”返回。2021年7月,在云南省西双版纳傣族自治州景洪市,一头出生约两个月的亚洲象被藤蔓缠绕导致左前腿受伤溃烂感染,因无法跟上象群而被遗弃。当时,西双版纳州多部门联合实施紧急救助,这头幼象被送到云南亚洲象种源繁育及救助中心安置治疗。因幼象被救助地位于景洪市普文镇曼飞龙村委会支龙村小组,地名里有两个“龙”字,所以它被取名为“龙龙”。在专职驯养员“象爸爸”的悉心照料下,“龙龙”的身体逐渐康复,恢复顽皮可爱的天性。云南亚洲象种源繁育及救助中心为西双版纳丛林中遭遇困难的野象提供庇护港湾,自2008年建成投入使用以来,先后参与过21次亚洲象野外救助工作,成功救助20多头不同年龄段的野生亚洲象。[新华社记者 陈欣波 摄]

Xu Yunfeng, a wildlife conservation worker, leads Asian elephant "Longlong" back after a trial of wild exercising in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, southwest China's Yunnan Province, March 15, 2022. A baby elephant in Xishuangbanna was abandoned by its herd only about two months after its birth due to severe injuries of its leg in July of 2021. The elephant was rescued and sent to the Asian Elephant Breeding and Rescue Center in Xishuangbanna for treatment and was named "Longlong". Under the care of wildlife conservation workers, "Longlong" has recovered health. The Asian Elephant Breeding and Rescue Center has successfully rescued more than 20 wild Asian elephants since its establishment in 2008. (Xinhua/Chen Xinbo)

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