
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2022-06-14

6月9日,辜国强在制作花丝镶嵌作品。花丝镶嵌工艺又称细金工艺,是一门传承久远的中国传统手工技艺,2008年被列入国家级非物质文化遗产名录。它以金、银等为原料,采用掐、填、攒等技法,将金属丝制成千姿百态的造型。7年前,大学毕业不久的“90后”小伙辜国强偶然接触到花丝镶嵌技艺并迅速爱上了这门古老的手艺。拜师学成后辜国强建立了现在的工作室,开始探索利用这门传统工艺制作适合现代人佩戴的饰品,以创新的手段重塑老技艺,让传统工艺焕发新生机。如今,辜国强的工作室一个月能销售约300件花丝镶嵌作品,并远销国外。[新华社记者 唐奕 摄]

Gu Guoqiang makes a filigree mosaic artwork in southwest China's Chongqing, June 9, 2022. Filigree Mosaic craft, a traditional Chinese aulic handicraft dating back to the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476BC), uses metal such as gold and silver to fold artwork inlaid with gemstone or pearl. It is also called fine gold craft as it usually uses spun gold as thin as 0.16 millimeters to form various shapes, and was listed as one of China's national intangible cultural heritages in 2008. Gu Guoqiang, born in 1994, fell in love with the craft seven years ago during his study in Beijing for restoration of cultural relics. Fascinated by a filigree mosaic work of his master, he returned to his hometown Chongqing and took provincial-level master of arts and crafts Li Changyi as his new master. In 2007, Gu Guoqiang set up his own studio, exploring a way to make filigree mosaic accessories fitting for modern people. He tries to absorb traditional Chinese culture concepts in his designs, and also takes into account modern taste and use habits. Nowadays, Gu's studio sells about 300 filigree mosaic artworks per month, many of which are ordered by people overseas. [Photo by Tang Yi/Xinhua]

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