
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2022-06-22

6月15日拍摄的东方白鹳在齐齐哈尔市昂昂溪区一输电铁塔上的鸟巢栖息。拥有扎龙湿地的黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市不仅是丹顶鹤的故乡,也是有着“鸟界国宝”之称的国家一级保护鸟类——东方白鹳的栖息地。目前正值候鸟繁育季,东方白鹳对于在高大的输电铁塔上“筑巢育子”有着偏爱。据统计,齐齐哈尔市有东方白鹳鸟巢落户线路杆塔100余处。为保障电网输电线路稳定运行和东方白鹳家园安全,国网齐齐哈尔供电公司工作人员通过在现有鸟巢上安装护鸟板、搭建人工鸟巢、开展“爱鸟特巡”等一系列爱鸟护线措施,对输电线路和鸟类进行双重守护,尽可能促进鸟类与供电设备和谐共存。[新华社记者 王建威 摄]

An oriental white stork rests at its nest on top of a power transmission tower in Qiqihar, northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, June 15, 2022. Some 100 nests have been made by oriental white storks, an endangered bird species, on power towers in Qiqihar. To protect both the birds and the power transmission lines, staff of local electric company took various measures such as placing protection boards, building artificial nests and conducting special patrols for the safety of the birds and the facilities. (Xinhua/Wang Jianwei)

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