
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2023-05-12

西安大唐不夜城进行的花车巡游(4月25日摄影)。雄踞关中平原中部,北望苍莽黄土高原,南依巍峨秦岭,西安,作为一座拥有3100多年建城史,1100多年建都史的历史文化名城,先后有十三个王朝在此演绎了无数的悲欢离合。作为西安文化地标之一的大唐不夜城,位于西安市大雁塔脚下,南北总长2100米,东西宽500米。漫步大唐不夜城步行街区,仿唐建筑飞檐斗拱、层楼叠榭;华灯初上后灯火璀璨、游人如织。千米长街一步一景,传统与时尚精彩碰撞、古老与现代相得益彰。[新华社记者 刘潇 摄]

This photo taken on April 25, 2023 shows a float parade at the Datang Everbright City scenic area in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province. Xi'an, a city with over 3,100 years of history, served as the capital for 13 dynasties in Chinese history. It is also home to the world-renowned Terracotta warriors created in the Qin Dynasty (221-207 BC). The Datang Everbright City, a tourist landmark of Xi'an featuring a grand street with characteristics of Tang Dynasty (618-907), has a total length of 2,100 meters from north to south and spans 500 meters wide from east to west. (Xinhua/Liu Xiao)

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