天空之眼瞰湛江:向海而兴 向海图强 向海“湛”放

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2023-05-31

湛江市坡头区官渡镇的生蚝养殖场(5月26日摄,无人机照片)。官渡镇处在海河交汇处,这里水质优良,咸淡适宜,富含微生物,为生蚝的生长提供了丰富的营养。广东省湛江市是中国大陆最南端的城市,东滨南海,西濒北部湾,南临琼州海峡,与海南岛隔海相望。湛江孕育了我国面积最大的红树林,也是我国重要的水产基地。近年来,湛江坚持生态文明与经济建设比翼齐飞,着力壮大绿色钢铁、绿色石化、绿色能源等临港产业,同时深耕蓝色粮仓,向海洋要粮食,打造高质量发展的海洋经济创新发展示范城市。[新华社记者 毛思倩 摄]

This aerial photo taken on May 26, 2023 shows an oyster breeding base in Guandu Township of Potou District, Zhanjiang City, south China's Guangdong Province. Bordering the South China Sea on the east and the Beibu Gulf on the west and facing the Hainan Island to the south across the Qiongzhou Strait, Zhanjiang City in south China's Guangdong Province has the largest area of mangrove forest across the country and is an important base of aquatic products. In recent years, the city has put great emphasis on the development of green industries and marine economy. (Xinhua/Mao Siqian)

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