
Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2023-08-07

White-headed langurs spotted in S China's Guangxi

在位于崇左市江州区罗白乡的白头叶猴国家级自然保护区,两只白头叶猴在玩顶头的游戏(8月5日摄)。白头叶猴,头顶高耸着一撮白毛,是我国特有的国家一级重点保护野生动物,种群数量稀少,主要分布在广西崇左市左江和明江之间约200平方公里的喀斯特石山地区。白头叶猴还有个好听的名字——“石山精灵”。[新华社记者 费茂华 摄]

Two white-headed langurs frolic at a national nature reserve in Luobai Town of Jiangzhou District, Chongzuo City, south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Aug. 5, 2023. The white-headed langur is one of the world's most endangered primate species and exclusive to China. The endangered animal, characterized by the white hair on their heads, are spotted in the 200-square km karst hills between the Zuojiang and Mingjiang rivers in Chongzuo. (Xinhua/Fei Maohua)

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