

Comment(s)打印 E-mail 新华网 2024-04-16

4月8日,游客在西安大雁塔文化休闲景区赏花留影。四季初始,草木蔓发。在古都西安,人们从宏伟城墙到巍巍秦岭,追随着花朵绽放的脚步,欢度着闲暇时光。在大雁塔、青龙寺、大明宫等地标性文化景区,游客身着汉服,沉浸式感受汉唐风华。长安春色,因其深厚的历史文化底蕴引人入胜,赏花踏青,也已成为促进春日文旅消费的密码。[新华社记者 邹竞一 摄]

Tourists pose for photos at the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda scenic area in Xi'an, northwest China's Shaanxi Province, April 8, 2024. Xi'an, one of the ancient capitals in Chinese history, is a popular tourist destination specially in this spring. It indulges visitors with the beauty of blossom flowers and immersive cultural experiences at the landmark cultural sites such as ancient city walls, Giant Wild Goose Pagoda, Qinglong Temple, Daming Palace National Heritage Park, etc. (Xinhua/Zou Jingyi)

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