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Beijing's Air Quality Much Improved
A curb must be put on air pollution as has long been demanded in Beijing. As a result of years' effort made, Beijing's air quality has been much improved. Beijing has successfully accomplished its third and fourth stage work in bringing a curb on air pollution and has by now moved on the fifth stage work for a clean air in the capital.

By November 26, Beijing has as many as 309 days with an air quality above third level, or 84% of the whole year. Another 165 days claim a quality above or equal the second level, accounting for 45% of total.

Beijing has met ahead of schedule the target set by the State Council on city environment pollution control by 2000, and constructions of a total of 37 environment projects have been underway or will be kicked off soon, with an investment amount of RMB$46.6bn yuan planned.

The Beijing municipal people's government has taken practical and effective measures to curb air pollution. Of the 5013 industrial polluters in Beijing, 99.5% have through reform met the emission standards, while another 25 enterprises failing to meet the standards have been closed in accordance with law.

(People's Daily 11/28/2000)