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Home > Streamlining Governance and Devolving Powers

Growth Model Transformation, Structural Adjustments, and Steady Growth

Updated:2016-01-04 | By:China.org.cn

Growth Model Transformation, Structural Adjustments, and Steady Growth

Since the rollout of China’s 12th Five-year Plan for National Economic and Social Development (2011-2015), a major policy goal has been to transform the growth model and make structural adjustments while ensuring steady growth at the national, regional and sectorial levels. Growth model transformation calls for replacing extensive growth with intensive growth, upgrading and optimizing economic structure, and pursuing growth that is comprehensive, balanced, and sustainable rather than purely economic. Structural adjustments involve realigning and rationalizing various components of the economy, in order to adapt to new dynamics and boost productivity. Steady growth entails expanding domestic consumption, maintaining steady overseas demand, developing the real economy, and addressing the root causes of instability and uncertainty.


自“十二五规划”(2011-2015) 以来,“转方式、调结构、稳增长”一直是中国宏观经济及各部门各地区的重要政策目标。转方式,就是推动经济发展方式由粗放型增长到集约型增长,从低级经济结构到高级、优化的经济结构,从单纯的经济增长到全面协调可持续的经济发展的转变。调结构,就是通过调整国民经济各组成部分的地位和相互比例关系,使其更加合理化、高级化,适应并促进生产力的发展。稳增长就是坚持扩大内需、稳定外需,大力发展实体经济,努力克服各种不稳定不确定因素的影响,保持经济平稳运行。

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