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Enabling the People to Have a Stronger Sense of Having Benefitted

Updated:2018-11-30 | By:China.org.cn

Enabling the People to Have a Stronger Sense of Having Benefitted

The 10th meeting of the Central Leading Group on Comprehensively Expanding In-depth Reform, chaired by Xi Jinping, was held on February 27, 2015. At this meeting, he pointed out that the various tasks of reform had to be scientifically planned, and that the value of reform had to be put on full display so that the people had a stronger sense of having benefitted. 

A "sense of having benefitted" is the sense of satisfaction that people derive from obtaining some material or non-material gains. "Enabling the people to have a stronger sense of having benefitted" means that they should not only "benefit" from the goals, prospects and anticipated development, but should also have actual "benefits" which they can see, own and allocate, and which will continue to be enhanced in the course of future development. A "sense of having benefitted" emphasizes actual objective "benefits", both material and non-material. This term made possible the use of measurable indicators of benefits obtained by the people; it was very positively received by them and became the most popular of the "ten most popular phrases" of 2015. 

The suggestion drive to "enable the people to have a stronger sense of having benefitted" demonstrates how, with Xi Jinping at its core, the Party Central Committee has been aware of its mission to serve the public and govern for the people ever since the 18th CPC National Congress. It demonstrates the concept of making the people the central focus of development; it demonstrates that society must be built on the fundamental principle of "built by all to be enjoyed by all", and it demonstrates the guiding value that the aim of reform and innovation is to improve the wellbeing of the people.


2015年2月27日,习近平在主持召开中央全面深化改革领导小组第十次会议时指出,要科学统筹各项改革任务,把改革方案的含金量充分展示出来,让人民群众有更多获得感。“获得感”是指人们在收获某种物质或精神利益后而产生的满足感。“让人民群众有更多获得感”指的是,让普通群众不仅具有目标设定、前景展望和发展预期意义上可能的“获得”,而且必须具有现实可见、可拥有和可支配的,并且在今后发展中还会不断充实的实在“获得”。 “获得感”强调的是一种实实在在的客观“得到”,既包括物质方面也包括精神方面。“获得感”的提出,使人民得到的利益有了进行指标衡量的可能,得到了人民群众的积极响应,成为中国2015年度“十大流行语”榜首。“让人民群众有更多获得感”的提出,体现了十八大以来以习近平同志为核心的党中央,立党为公、执政为民的宗旨意识,体现了坚持以人民为中心的发展思想,体现了社会建设要坚持共建共享的基本原则,体现了改革创新要以增进民生福祉为目标的价值导向。

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