Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

(The Belt and Road Initiative 2019)

Updated:2019-04-17 |

Forum on China-Africa Cooperation

The Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was formally inaugurated at its first Ministerial Conference in October 2000 in Beijing, upon the joint initiative of China and Africa. It aims to further strengthen friendly cooperation between China and African countries to meet the challenges of economic globalization in search of common prosperity.

The FOCAC promotes understanding, consensus-building, friendship and collaboration through consultation on the basis of equality.

FOCAC members include China, the 51 African states that have established diplomatic relations with China, and the Commission of the African Union. The FOCAC Ministerial Conference is held every three years, and to date six conferences have been convened.

At the opening of the FOCAC Summit in Johannesburg (South Africa) on December 4, 2015, President Xi Jinping announced that the China-African new-type strategic partnership would be upgraded to a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. He also proposed 10 plans to boost cooperation with Africa in the areas of industrialization, agricultural modernization, infrastructure, financial services, green development, trade and investment facilitation, poverty reduction and public welfare, public health, people-to-people exchanges, and peace and security.

The Seventh FOCAC Summit was held in September 2018 in Beijing, on the theme of "China and Africa: Toward an Even Stronger Community of Shared Future Through Win-Win Cooperation." Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech entitled "Work Together for Common Development and a Shared Future" at the opening session. He called for all parties to assume joint responsibility to build a China-Africa community of shared future that pursues win-win cooperation, delivers happiness for all, enjoys cultural prosperity and common security, and promotes harmony between man and nature.

To this end, China will launch eight initiatives in close collaboration with African countries: industrial promotion, infrastructure connectivity, trade facilitation, green development, capacity building, health care, people-to-people exchanges, and peace and security. 

The summit adopted the Beijing Declaration – Toward an Even Stronger China-Africa Community of Shared Future, and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Beijing Action Plan (2019-2021).


为进一步加强中国与非洲国家的友好合作,共同应对经济全球化挑战,谋求共同发展,在中非双方共同倡议下,“中非合作论坛——北京2000年部长级会议”于 2000年10月在北京召开,标志着中非合作论坛正式成立。该论坛的宗旨是平等互利、平等磋商、增进了解、扩大共识、加强友谊、促进合作。成员包括中国、与中国建交的51个非洲国家以及非洲联盟委员会。中非合作论坛部长级会议每三年举行一届,目前已举办六届。2015年12月4日,在中非合作论坛约翰内斯堡峰会开幕式上,习近平主席代表中国政府宣布,将中非新型战略伙伴关系提升为全面战略合作伙伴关系,提出与非洲在工业化、农业现代化、基础设施、金融、绿色发展、贸易和投资便利化、减贫惠民、公共卫生、人文、和平和安全等领域共同实施“十大合作计划”,规划了中非务实合作的新蓝图。2018年9月举行的第七届中非合作论坛北京峰会以“合作共赢,携手构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体”为主题。中国国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表题为《携手共命运 同心促发展》的主旨讲话,强调中非要携起手来,共同打造责任共担、合作共赢、幸福共享、文化共兴、安全共筑、和谐共生的中非命运共同体,重点实施好产业促进、设施联通、贸易便利、绿色发展、能力建设、健康卫生、人文交流、和平安全“八大行动”。会议通过《关于构建更加紧密的中非命运共同体的北京宣言》和《中非合作论坛-北京行动计划(2019-2021年)》。