The Correct Perspective on China's Role

(Foreign Affairs in the New Era)

Updated:2020-01-19 |

The Correct Perspective on China's Role

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China is moving closer to the center stage and making a greater contribution to the interests of humanity. Its relations with the rest of the world are undergoing historic changes. The country is exercising greater influence on the world, and vice versa. On the one hand, China's development can be realized only in a peaceful international environment, under a stable international order, and with the understanding, support and help of the people of other countries. On the other, China's development will surely bring about more opportunities to other countries, and promote world peace and development as well.

At the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs in June 2018, Xi Jinping said, "The correct perspective on China's role will guide us to analyze various international phenomena with a cool head, and put ourselves in a correct position. We need to study the issues based on our relations with the rest of the world, be fully aware of our position and role in the evolution of the global landscape, and formulate effective and sensible foreign policies for our country."


党的十八大以来,中国日益走近世界舞台中央,不断为人类作出更大贡献。中国与世界的关系已经发生了历史性变化, 中国对世界的影响不断加深,世界对中国的影响也在不断加深。中国的发展,离不开和平的国际环境和稳定的国际秩序,离不开各国人民的理解、支持、帮助。同时,中国的发展必将给各国创造更多机遇,必将更好促进世界和平与发展。正是基于这样的时代背景,2018年6月,习近平在中央外事工作会议上指出:“所谓正确角色观,就是不仅要冷静分析各种国际现象,而且要把自己摆进去,在我国同世界的关系中看问题,弄清楚在世界格局演变中我国的地位和作用,科学制定我国对外方针政策。”