China-Arab States Cooperation Forum

(Foreign Affairs in the New Era)

Updated:2020-01-19 |

China-Arab States Cooperation Forum

The launch of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF) was announced by Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing of China and Secretary-General Amr Moussa of the League of Arab States on January 30, 2004, after Chinese President Hu Jintao met with Secretary-General Amr Moussa and representatives of this 22-member organization at its headquarters.

Addressing the opening ceremony of the Sixth CASCF Ministerial Meeting on June 5, 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping characterized the CASCF as of strategic importance for the long-term development of bilateral relations and substantive cooperation.

The Seventh CASCF Ministerial Meeting was held in Doha, capital of Qatar, on May 12, 2016. President Xi Jinping and Qatar Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani each sent a letter of congratulations to the meeting. Under the theme of "Jointly Building the Belt and Road to Reinforce Strategic Cooperation," the meeting reached a broad consensus on bilateral relations and future work of the CASCF.

The Eighth CASCF Ministerial Meeting was held in Beijing on July 10, 2018.

President Xi Jinping delivered a speech entitled "Joining Hands to Advance Sino- Arab Strategic Partnership in the New Era" at the opening session. He declared that the two sides had agreed to establish a future- oriented Sino-Arab strategic partnership of comprehensive cooperation and common development.

By July 2019, eight CASCF ministerial meetings and 16 senior officials' meetings had been held, in addition to five strategic and political dialogues at senior official level.


2004年1月30日,时任中国国家主席胡锦涛访问了阿拉伯国家联盟总部,会见了时任阿盟秘书长阿姆鲁·穆萨和22个阿盟成员国代表。会见结束后,时任中国外长李肇星与穆萨秘书长共同宣布成立“中国—阿拉伯国家合作论坛”。2014年6月5 日,习近平主席在中阿合作论坛第六届部长级会议开幕式上讲话表示,中阿合作论坛是着眼中阿关系长远发展作出的战略抉择,已成为丰富中阿关系战略内涵、推进中阿务实合作的有效抓手。2016年5月12 日,中阿合作论坛第七届部长级会议在卡塔尔多哈举行。习近平主席和卡塔尔埃米尔塔米姆·本·哈马德·阿勒萨尼分别致贺信。会议围绕“共建‘一带一路’,深化中阿战略合作”议题,就中阿关系发展和中阿合作论坛建设达成广泛共识。
