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Home > Nuclear Industry

​Major Companies

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Major Companies 

A number of companies have emerged as industry leaders, with strong government backing and in response to ever-expanding demand: the China Isotope & Radiation Corporation, a producer and provider of isotopes and related products, and a world leader in the application of fluorine-18, technetium-99m, cobalt-60 sources, iodine-125 seeds, carbon-13/carbon-14 urea breath testing and iodine-131; the CGN Nuclear Technology Development Co., Ltd., a provider of electron accelerators, radiation services and radiation-modified materials, especially in industrial electron accelerators, electron beam radiation processing and environment-friendly optical cable sheath materials; the Shenzhen Woer Heat-shrinkable Material Co., Ltd., specializing in the research and development, manufacturing and sales of new radiation modified polymer materials, new series of electronic and electric products, and new energy products and equipment; United Imaging, a newcomer in China's high-end medical equipment industry, involved in domestic production of PET, MRI and X-ray tomography equipment. 


中国政府的大力扶持和日益扩大的市场需求,造就了一批引领行业快速发展的龙头企业:中国同辐致力于同位素及制品的生产和销售,氟 -18系列、锝 -99m系列、钴 -60源、碘 -125籽源、碳 -13/碳 -14呼吸检测、碘 -131系列等产品的应用,均处于国际领先地位。中广核技是中国电子加速器、辐照服务以及辐照改性材料的供应商,其工业电子加速器、电子束辐照加工、环保光缆护套材料在国内市场名列前茅。深圳沃尔核材从事高分子核辐射改性新材料及系列电子、电力新产品和新能源产品及设备的研发、制造和销售。上海联影是中国高端医疗设备行业的新星,完成了正电子发射断层影像仪、核磁共振成像仪及 X射线断层影像仪等高端医学影像设备的国产化。

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