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Home > Nuclear Industry

Survey and Exploration of Uranium Deposits

Updated:2021-12-16 | By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Survey and Exploration of Uranium Deposits 

After more than 60 years of development, a network for uranium geological survey has been put in place and continuously strengthened, which consists of specialized research institutions and is supported by colleges and universities. Uranium exploration and research focus on detecting deep and blind deposits, by using geological, geophysical and geochemical exploration techniques and relying on remote sensing information analysis. A whole array of new techniques and methods, such as deep drilling, ground geophysical and geochemical exploration, airborne geophysical exploration, and satellite remote sensing, have emerged, giving rise to a multidimensional approach to uranium prospecting by integrating space-air-ground-underground survey techniques, a big step forward that enables more accurate identification of the depths, types, locations and quantities of deposits. 


经过60多年的发展,中国建立了以专业化科研院所为基础、以部分地质院校为支撑的完整的铀矿地质科研体系。在铀矿勘查方法与技术研究方面,建立了由地质评价、地球物理、地球化学探测、高效钻探和遥感信息分析四大技术方法组成的铀矿勘查攻深找盲技术体系,使地面物化探、航空物探、卫星遥感等新技术和新方法在铀矿找矿中得到广泛应用,实现了“天 -空 -地 -深”四位一体的联测联探。中国铀矿资源预测评价技术已发展到“定深、定型、定位、定量”的新阶段。

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