Number of Institutions for Culture, Arts and Cultural Relics by Region
Year Arts
Performing Troupes
Performing Places
Culture Centers Public Libraries Museums
1978 3150 1095 2748 1218 349
1980 3533 1444 2912 1732 365
1985 3317 1673 2965 2344 711
1986 3195 2036 2993 2406 777
1987 3094 2094 2973 2440 827
1988 2985 2042 2975 2485 903
1989 2850 2011 2955 2512 967
1990 2805 2011 2955 2527 1013
1991 2772 2024 2894 2535 1075
1992 2753 2037 2900 2565 1106
1993 2707 2024 2886 2579 1130
1994 2698 1998 2887 2596 1161
1995 2682 1972 2886 2615 1194
1996 2664 1934 2892 2631 1219
1997 2663 1947 2901 2661 1282
1998 2652 1929 2901 2731 1339
1999 2632 1912 2905 2767 1364
2000 2630 1912 2907 2677 1392
2001 2605 1854 2852 2696 1461
2002 2587 1829 2854 2697 1511
2003 2619   2846 2709 1514