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Dì sān shí jiǔ kè wǒ men de xiào shè
Lesson Thirty-nine Our Campus

Beijing's university campuses and their surrounding environments have greatly improved over the past two decades. Modern towering school buildings are now a common sight. Teachers and students from all over the world enjoy a happy campus life in this modern capital city.

Mài kè: Nǐ men xué xiào de jiào xué lóu zài shén me dì fang?
麦克: 你们学校的教学楼在什么地方?
Mike: Where is the teaching block of your school?
Lì li: Jiào xué lóu zài tú shū guăn de běi biānr.
丽丽: 教学楼在图书馆的北边。
Lili: It is to the north of the library.
Mài kè: Jiào xué lóu lǐ zhǐ yǒu jiào shì ma?
麦克: 教学楼里只有教室吗?
Mike: Are there only classrooms in the teaching block?
Lì li: Bù, jiào xué lóu lǐ hái yǒu liăng gè diàn yǐng tīng.
丽丽: 不,教学楼里还有两个电影厅。
Lili: No, there are also two film halls.
Mài kè: nǐ men de sù shè yě zài xué xiào lǐ ma?
麦克: 你们的宿舍也在学校里吗?
Mike: Is your dormitory on campus as well?
Lì li: Shì de. Wǒ men de sù shè zài cāo chăng de nán biānr.
丽丽: 是的。我们的宿舍在操场的南边。
Lili: Yes. Our dormitory is to the south of the sports ground.
Mài kè: Nǐ men zài xué shēng shí táng chī fàn ma?
麦克: 你们在学生食堂吃饭吗?
Mike: Do you have meals at the canteen?
Li li: Tōng cháng shì. Wǒ men ǒu ěr yě dào fù jìn de fàn guàn chī fàn.
丽丽: 通常是。我们偶尔也到附近的饭馆吃饭。
Lili: Usually. But we eat out at nearby restaurants as well.
Mài kè: Xué xiào lí shì zhōng xīn yuăn ma?
麦克: 学校离市中心远吗?
Mike: Is your school far from the downtown area?
Li li: Xiāng dāng yuăn. Wǒ men tōng cháng zhōu mò jìn chéng.
丽丽: 相当远。我们通常周末进城。
Lili: Quite far. We usually only go downtown at the weekends.
Learning Chinese -
校舍 xiào shèschool building/campus 教学楼 jiào xué lóuteaching block
图书馆 tú shū guăn: library 教室 jiào shìclassroom
电影厅 diàn yǐng tīngfilm hall/cinema 宿舍 sù shèdormitory
操场 cāo chăngplayground 食堂 shí tángcanteen
通常 tōng chángusually 偶尔 ǒu ěrsometimes
附近 fù jìnnearby 离…远 lí…yuănfar away from
市中心 shì zhōng xīndowntown  
Zài běi jīng wèn
Běi jīng de jiē dào tòng bān wéi dōng huò nán
běi zǒu xiàng , guǒ shǒu hàng yǒu , bìng néng
biàn qīng fāng xiàng ( dōng , , nán , běi ) shí ,
de wèn jiù dào chū jiě jué . Yǒu
de fāng yǒu diàn năo wèn tīng , zhǔ yào jiē dào huò
kǒu hái yǒu běn shì . guǒ zhǐ
zhī dào bèi făng rén xìng míng zhù de zhì
, dào dāng gōng ān pài chū suǒ chá xún .
jīng rén shí fēn qíng , yǒu fan zhăo men
bāng zhù shí , bān dào măn de fù .

Yăn ěr dào líng

掩 耳 盗 铃
Literal translation: To plug one's ears in order to steal a bell. Describes a foolish act to delude one's self.

Shuǐ zhōng lāo yuè

【 水 中 捞 月 】

To try to fish the moon's reflection in the water -- describes an impractical or vain effort

Shuǐ zhăng chuán gāo

【 水 涨 船 高 】

(Old Chinese saying) Literal translation: When the river rises, the boat goes up. Describes a natural reaction to something or a natural progression

Shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu

【 顺 水 推 舟 】

To push the boat along with current -- to go with the flow

Shùn fēng shǐ duò

【 顺 风 使 舵 】

To trim one's sails to the wind -- to take one's cue from changing conditions

bái chéng zhōu jiāng xíng,
wén àn shàng tàng shēng.
Táo huā tán shuǐ shēn qiān chǐ,
wāng lún sòng qíng.
Yìng shì jiào yù
应 试 教 育 Exam-oriented education
Sù zhì jiào yù
素 质 教 育 Education for all-rounded development
Xué shēng jiăn fù
学 生 减 负 To reduce students' work load
Wăng luò kōng jiān
网 络 空 间 Cyberspace
Kuò dà nèi xū
扩 大 内 需 To expand domestic demand
Xiāng cōng jiān yú
香 葱 煎 鱼
Fried fish with green onion
Bō luó pái gǔ
菠 萝 排 骨
Pork ribs with pineapple
Xián dàn zhēng ròu
咸 蛋 蒸 肉
Steamed pork with salted egg yolk
Hăi xiān chăo dàn
海 鲜 炒 蛋
Fried seafood with egg
Dòu fu jī chì
豆 腐 鸡 翅
Steamed chicken wings with bean curd
Líng jiao shāo ròu
菱 角 烧 肉
Braised pork with water chestnuts
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