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Dì wŭ shí yī kè Bú yào wéi zhāng jià shǐ
Lesson Fifty-one Don't Break Traffic Rules

A driver must concentrate on the road and drive defensively. Aggressive driving is a serious problem that is responsible for many traffic accidents and fatalities. The driver should be rested, calm, and not under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.

Mài kè: Wǒ jīn tiān kāi chē wéi zhāng, bèi jǐng chá lán zhù le.
麦克: 我今天开车违章,被警察拦住了。

I broke a traffic rule and was stopped by a policeman today.

Lì li: Zhēn wèi nǐ nán guò. Nǐ zěn me wéi zhāng le?
丽丽: 真为你难过。你怎么违章了?
Lili: Sorry to hear that. What rule did you break?
Mài kè: Zài yí gè hóng lǜ dēng lù kǒu, wǒ qiáng xíng zuǒ guăi le.
麦克: 在一个红绿灯路口,我强行左拐了。
Mike: I forced my way into the left lane at a traffic light crossing.
Lì li: Nán guài ne! Nǐ bèi fá kuăn le ba?
丽丽: 难怪呢!你被罚款了吧?
Lili: No wonder! You were fined, weren't you?
Mài kè: Shì de. Nà wèi jǐng chá shì yì wǒ tíng chē, bìng chū shì jià shǐ zhèng.
麦克: 是的。那位警察示意我停车,并出示驾驶证。
Mike: Yes. The policeman motioned for me to stop and show my driver's license.
Lì li: Jǐng chá de tài dù hăo ma?
丽丽: 警察的态度好吗?
Lili: Was the policeman polite?
Mài kè: Fēi cháng hăo. Tā gěi wǒ kāi le fá kuăn dān. Wǒ bèi fá kuăn èr băi yuán.
麦克: 非常好。他给我开了罚款单。我被罚款二百元。
Mike: Yes, he was. He wrote me a ticket. I was fined 200 yuan.
Lì li: Wǒ yě céng jīng bèi fá guò, shì yīn wéi chāo sù jià shǐ.
丽丽: 我也曾经被罚过,是因为超速驾驶。
Lili: I was once fined for speeding.
Mai kè: Shàng zhōu wǒ de yí gè péng yǒu yě bèi fá le, shì yīn wéi jiǔ hòu jià chē.
麦克: 上周我的一个朋友也被罚了,是因为酒后驾车。
Mike: Last week one of my friends was fined for drunk driving.
Lì li: Tā bèi yán lì chǔ fá le ba?
丽丽: 他被严厉处罚了吧?
Lili: He got a heavy penalty, didn't he?
Mài kè: Shì de. Tā bèi fá kuăn wǔ băi yuán, diào xiāo jià zhào sān gè yuè.
麦克: 是的。他被罚款五百元,吊销驾照三个月。
Mike: Yes. He was fined 500 yuan and they suspended his license for three months.
Lì li: Měi wèi gōng mín dōu yīng gāi zūn shǒu jiāo tōng guī zé.
丽丽: 每位公民都应该遵守交通规则。
Lili: All citizens should observe traffic rules.
Mài ke: Shì de, ān quán jià shǐ fēi cháng zhòng yào.
麦克: 是的,安全驾驶非常重要。
Mike: Yes. Safe driving is very important.
违章 wéi zhāng : break the rules 驾驶 jià shǐ : drive
警察 jǐng chá: policeman 红绿灯 hóng lǜ dēng : traffic lights
路口 lù kǒu: crossing 罚款 fá kuăn : fine
驾驶证 jià shǐ zhèng: driver's license 超速驾驶 chāo sù : speeding
酒后驾车 jiǔ hòu jià chē: drunk driving 吊销 diào xiāo: suspend, revoke
经历 jīng lì: experience 公民 gōng mín: citizen
遵守 zūn shǒu: obey, observe 重要的 zhòng yào: important
Chē liàng xiàn xíng wèi ào yùn yăn liàn ràng
yuè jiǔ běi jīng xuān xiàng yăn liàn fāng àn
shì zhè zuò ào yùn huì bàn chéng shì zài găi shàn kōng
zhì liàng , huăn jiě jiāo tōng yōng fāng miàn suǒ zuò
de chéng xiào .
Lái běi jīng shì huán jìng jiāo tōng mén de xiāo
xi , yuè shí zhì èr shí , zhàn quán shì
zǒng chē liàng ( sān băi wàn ) jìn bàn de yuē băi
sān shí wàn liàng dòng chē jiāng tíng shǐ , zuò wéi
ào yùn qián shì de xiàng chéng fen .
yuè shí shí jiǔ ( xīng xīng
) , zhǐ yǔn chē pái wěi shù wéi dān shù de
chē liàng shàng .
yuè shí èr shí ( xīng liù xīng
) , zhǐ yǔn chē pái wěi shù wéi shuāng shù de
chē liàng shàng .
xiàng guī dìng shì yòng zài jīng zhù de chē liàng
zài jīng xíng shǐ de wài shěng shì chē liàng .
Chú le fēn zài běn shǐ suǒ yǒu shí xiàn de
èr shí kōng zhì liàng jiān zhàn zhī wài , lìng
chá gài běi jīng dōng jīng qiān băi míng ,
jiān chē liàng jiāng bèi tóu shǐ yòng .
cān jiā zhè yăn liàn de chē liàng bāo kuò jǐng chē ,
xiāo fáng chē , yóu zhèng qiăng xiū chē liàng , gōng jiāo chē
liàng shǐ guăn guó zhī chē liàng .
Gōng jiāo tiě tǒng de gāo fēng shí jiān
jiāng yóu tōng cháng zăo shàng diăn zhì zăo shàng jiǔ diăn de liăng
xiăo shí yán cháng wéi zăo shàng liù diăn sān shí zhì zăo shàng jiǔ
diăn sān shí de sān xiăo shí .
Gōng yuán qián bàn xiăo shí zăo shàng diăn dào
bàn gōng shì , shāng diàn jiāng tuī chí xiăo shí zhì zăo
shàng shí diăn kāi mén .

Jīng gōng zhī niăo

惊 弓 之 鸟
Literally: A bird startled by the mere sound of a plucked bowstring Meaning: A person who is easily frightened

Xīng shī dòng zhòng


Mobilize an army and rally the people – drag in a great number of people (to do something)

Xīng fēng zuò làng


Stir up or make trouble; fan the flames of disorder

Qí tán guài lùn


Strange theory and absurd argument; bizarre tale

Qí xíng guài zhuàng


Of grotesque shapes and appearances; fantastic in form

Dāng tóu yī bàng


Head-on blow – surprise attack

Dāng wù zhī jí


Burning issue or pressing matter of the moment


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Greeting with each other
Jiǔ huáng wàn shā,
Làng táo fēng tiān yá.
jīn zhí shàng yín qù,
Tóng dào qiān niú zhī jiā.
Măi yī sòng yī
买一送一 two-for-one offer, buy one get one free
Rén qì shí zú
人气十足 Very popular; very influential
Yǐ rén wéi běn
以人为本 Human-oriented; to reflect human interest
Xún huán jīng jì
循环经济 Recycling economy
Dīng kè jiā tíng
丁克家庭 Dink (double income, no kids) family
Dān shēn guì zú
单身贵族 Single man or woman with handsome income
Dōng guā dùn pái gǔ
冬 瓜 炖 排 骨
Wax gourd stewed with pork ribs
Jiǔ cài chăo jī dàn
韭 菜 炒 鸡 蛋
Fragrant-flowered garlic fried with egg
Líng yú yóu mài cài
鲮 鱼 油 麦 菜
Canned fish fried with green leafy vegetables
Qīng chăo yě mù ěr
清 炒 野 木 耳
Stir-fried wild edible black fungus
Hēi hú jiāo niú liǔ
黑 胡 椒 牛 柳
Beef fried with black pepper
Huáng guā chăo ròu piàn
黄 瓜 炒 肉 片
Sliced meat fried with cucumber
Xiā rén chăo yóu cài
虾 仁 炒 油 菜
Shrimp meat fried with green leafy vegetables
Zhàn jiàng huáng guā duàn
沾 酱 黄 瓜 段
Cold cucumber slices with thick sauce
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