Quality of Transportation Routes
1978 1990 1995 1998 1999 2000
Length of Railways in Operation (km) 48618 53378 54616 57584 57923 58656
Double-Tracking Length (km) 7630 13024 16909 19673 20925 21408
Proportion (%) 15.7 24.4 31 34.2 36.1 36.5
Automatic Blocking Length (km) 5981 10370 12910 21042 17969.4 18317.8
Proportion (%) 12.3 19.4 23.6 36.5 31.0 31.2
Length of Highways (km) 890236 1028348 1157009 1278474 1351691 1402698
Paved Highways (km) 651068 883464 1043390 1190086 1268393 1216013
Proportion (%) 73.1 85.9 90.2 93.1 93.8 86.7
Length of Navigable Inland Waterways (km) 135952 109192 110562 110263 116504 119325
Depths of One Meter and Over (km) 57408 60358 64323 66682
Proportion (%) 42.2 55.4 58.2 60.5