Actually Used Amount of Foreign Direct Investment by Sector
(USD 10 000)
1998 1999 2000
National Total 4546275 4031871 4071481
Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery 62375 71015 67954
Mining and Quarrying 57809 55714 58328
Manufacturing 2558238 2260334 2584417
Electric Power, Gas and Water Production and Supply 310279 370274 224412
Construction 206423 91658 90542
Transportation,Storage, Postal and Telecommunications Services 164513 155114 101188
Wholesale & Retail Trade and Catering Services 118149 96513 85781
Real Estate Management 641006 558831 465751
Social Services 296315 255066 218544
Health Care, Sports and Social Welfare 9724 14769 10588
Education, Culture and Arts, Radio, Film and Television 6830 6072 5446
Other Sectors 114614 96511 159090