Longtan Grand Canyon

0 Comment(s)Print E-mail China.org.cn, July 6, 2011

Huludao, or Calabash Island, is actually a narrow strip of land extending about 100 kilometers east to west along the western seashore of the Liaodong Gulf.

Huludao, or Calabash Island, is actually a narrow strip of land extending about 100 kilometers east to west along the western seashore of the Liaodong Gulf. Its topography has earned Huludao the nickname "corridor of western Liaoning," with the city providing access from the three northeastern provinces of Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning to central China and southeastern coastal areas. Photo shows the beautiful scenery of Longtan Grand Canyon in Huludao City, in the southwest of Liaoning Province in northeast China.[lxg8845/bbs.fengniao]

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