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Armed with a camera, the blind capture their world

Jin Ling, an administrative assistant for One Plus One, takes a self-portrait. 一加一的行政助理金玲为自己拍摄照片。

Jin Ling, an administrative assistant for One Plus One, takes a self-portrait.

One of Jin's entries is a photograph of the inside of a mailbox, which was too high for her to see. 'If I change my perspective, maybe there will be a surprise,' she wrote in her description. 金玲的入围作品之一拍摄的是一个信箱的内部。信箱太高,她看不见里面。“换个角度或许会有惊喜。”她在照片说明中这样写道。

One of Jin's entries is a photograph of the inside of a mailbox, which was too high for her to see. "If I change my perspective, maybe there will be a surprise," she wrote in her description.

"This exhibit isn't necessarily 'art,'" Sun Ke said. "We don't think the photos should be judged on how good they are. What was most important is what they wanted to express." 


Tactile diagrams, a new technology that is available only in Hong Kong, allowed the trainees to "see" their pictures. A special machine would print a copy of their pictures with raised lines and patterns where ink was heaviest or darkest in the original photograph. Using the tactile diagrams, the trainees could decide whether they had gotten the shot they wanted. The photos in the exhibit were chosen based on what they felt came closest to their intended message.


Most of the photos in the exhibit were captured accidentally. Often, the end result turned out differently than what the photographers expected, but the pictures also carry a lot more meaning, they say. 


One photographer, Jin Ling, an administrative assistant, said she was curious about the inside of a mailbox, which was too high for her to peer into. So, she used her camera to take a picture. The picture on display shows not only the inside of the mailbox, but also a little bit of Jin herself. 


"I used my camera to see what I can't see," Jin said. "I didn't mean to include myself in the picture, But I learned that there are a range of things the camera takes a picture of, not just a narrow subject." 


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