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Armed with a camera, the blind capture their world
This photograph came out differently than what Sun Zhiyuan had imagined. But he realized it showed an added layer of the uncertainty he feels about his vision and future. 这张照片出来的效果和孙致远想象的不一样,但他意识到照片还展现了他对视觉和未来的不确定感。

This photograph came out differently than what Sun Zhiyuan had imagined. But he realized it showed an added layer of the uncertainty he feels about his vision and future.

Sun Zhiyuan thought his photo of a bright red "6" would be in the middle of an indecipherable darkness, but it landed in the top right corner instead.  孙致远以为发光的红色数字“6”会出现在一片黑色的中间,但是却落到了照片的右上方。 
"The number itself doesn't mean anything," Sun said. "The bright light and the darkness around it represent my world, how I see. Only after I took the picture did I feel that it represented the uncertainty about my future." 数字本身没有任何意义。明和暗代表了我的世界以及我的世界观。只有拍完照片后我才感到它代表了我未来的不确定性。他说。

Sun worries that his vision will become worse and that one day he will be completely blind.


The newly trained photographers now hope they can push their project further. The workshops also taught them how to become trainers themselves, and they hope to use their knowledge to work with the local government and blind schools to help other visually impaired people learn this counterintuitive way to express their visions. At the same time, they hope that using this new language to communicate will empower them and other people with disabilities. 刚接受完培训的学员希望这个项目能推广下去。培训课程还包括教他们如何成为培训师,以协助其他视障人士拍摄。他们希望用自己的知识与当地政府和盲人学校合作去帮助其他视障人士学习摄影来展现他们的视界。同时,他们希望,使用摄影语言进行交流,能够使他们和其他残疾人士更好地掌握自己的命运。

"We found more things we can do," Jin said. "We may not do it very well, but we can show our potential and vision."


"It's the feeling that maybe you're doing something. You're hearing others do it and thinking, ‘Oh, I can take pictures, too!'"


China.org.cn 何珊 译)

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