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Walking down a dream (I)
“走出”梦想 (上)

Journalists often followed the group. Here a video team interviews Huang. 记者常常随团采访。图为摄制组正在采访黄伟。

Journalists often followed the group. Here a video team interviews Huang.

Four other hikers quit out of boredom. Huang was strict about maintaining a good pace and a tight schedule. The group averaged just over 25 km per day. There was little time afforded for sightseeing and the planned route avoided tourist areas. Tired of just walking, they went home. 

还有四名队员因为厌倦而退出。黄伟对行走速度和行程安排非常严格。队伍平均每天行走的里程数超过2 5公里由于时间紧张,没有安排观光,计划好的路线避免了旅游景点。有些人因为厌倦了单调的行走,于是退出。 

Huang is a small man with a firm handshake and an easy demeanor. He sits with his legs crossed and arms folded. He's more demonstrative with his hands than most Chinese people, but his movements are slow and contained. He looks like he's only happy outdoors. 


He says the best part of the trip was being away from modern society. "I got to see a lot about simple life. I saw the people in the villages and I saw how different life is for them. That was sightseeing for me. Maybe it wouldn't be pretty to other people, but it was beautiful to me.


"In the city, people looked at us because they thought we were crazy. ‘Why would someone walk to Tibet?' they'd ask. In the villages, they stared because they thought we were rich. These people worked every day to have food to eat, and here we were, with our nice hiking equipment, walking to Tibet for fun. It was strange to them." 


Along the route, Huang met people who he still keeps up with today. He cocks his head and looks up as he remembers the railway policeman he met in Lanzhou. His fingertips graze the whiskers on his chin. 


The policeman admired what the group was doing and bought them a meal. They wound up meeting three times along the trip, each time when the officer was off duty from the train. Huang became and remains good friends with the policeman, who often comes to Beijing to visit.


Then there was the man in Tibet, who had once been a soldier in Shanghai. Three times, the man's family had come up with business ideas and every time, he became a partner in the venture.


In every instance, he was cheated by his relatives and was ultimately forced to declare bankruptcy. Eventually, he was forced to move. With a wife, two kids and 100 RMB, he started a new life in Tibet, and is now a leader in his community. 


"I love those kinds of stories," Huang says. "Meeting these people, learning about their lives, their opinions, what they think is important in life – these are the things that made the trip wonderful."


China.org.cn 何珊 译) 

To be continued ...

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