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Plants can rid themselves of pesticide residues — a discovery from Zhejiang University

  作者:张冬素 周炜

如何减少蔬菜的农药残留,让老百姓吃得放心,一直深受人们关注。浙江大学农业与生物技术学院喻景权教授的课题组研究发现,植物本身拥有的一种叫油菜素内酯的激素,能促进农药在植物体内的降解和代谢。 Researchers have long focused on reducing pesticide residues left on vegetables, as vegetables are one of the daily necessities in meals. Recently, Yu Jingquan, a professor from the Agriculture and Biotechnology College of Zhejiang University, discovered that brassinosteroids, natural hormones in plants, are able to degrade and metabolize the toxins.
这一发现为解决蔬菜农药残留开辟了一条新途径。今天出版的美国化学学会主办的《农业与食品化学杂志》发表了喻景权课题组的题为《油菜素内酯促进农药在黄瓜体内的代谢》论文,引起广泛关注。美国之音、今日科学等国外媒体纷纷以“让植物自身去除农药残留”为主题报道了这一有趣的发现。 The scientific breakthrough provided enlightenment for researchers to detoxify polluted vegetables. Brassinosteroids Promote the Metabolism of Pesticides in Cucumbers, the article completed by Yu and his group about their research was published today (September 23), in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, drawing worldwide interest. Relevant stories, such as Getting plants to rid themselves of pesticide residues, have appeared as headlines of overseas media, including Voice of America and Science Now.
喻景权是浙大蔬菜学学科的负责人,一直关注蔬菜的农药残留问题。他介绍说,农民喷洒的农药被植物吸收后,不是一直残留在植物体内,而是会被植物体内某些蛋白酶自身慢慢“消化”,逐渐转化为水溶性物质或低毒无毒物质,有的则被直接排出植物体外。但是这个过程没有我们所期望的那么快,往往在蔬菜采收时还有一部分农药没有被“消化”掉,出现蔬菜农药残留。对喻景权来说,油菜素内酯并不陌生,他研究发现油菜素内酯的新功用——降解控制农药残留的“天然帮手”。 A leading researcher of vegetable science in Zhejiang University, Yu has long engaged in detoxifying pesticide residues on vegetables. He said the pesticides would undergo a chemical change after being sprayed on the plants. Furthermore, they can be "digested" by some of the proteases, degraded to soluble or detoxified substances, or excreted wholly. Brassinosteroids are nothing new to Yu. In his research, the hormones’ function was discovered to metabolize pesticide residues inside plants.
那能不能给蔬菜“吃点”油菜素内酯,加速蔬菜体内农药的降解速度?喻景权说,油菜素内酯可以从植物中提取,最可喜的是,它还可以用人工半合成的方法批量生产,并且对动植物没有伤害,对环境友好。课题组用黄瓜做实验,选取了农民经常使用的4种杀虫剂和杀菌剂,在喷洒这些农药之前,先给植物喷洒一次油菜素内酯,20毫升就可以喷洒一亩蔬菜。结果发现,这些喷洒过油菜素内酯的黄瓜的农药残留比没有喷洒过的要降低30%70% In that way, is it possible to inject Brassinosteroids in vegetables to speed up the detoxification? According to Yu, the substance is extractible and can be put into massive production when being synthesized. It is harmless to animals and plants and is environmentally friendly. The research group selected four common pesticides and disinfectants in the experiments conducted with cucumbers and sprayed the plants with brassinosteroids before spraying them with the invisible germ killers. According to the research, 20-millimeters of brassinosteroids can cover vegetables in one mu (0.067 hectares). The research found that the toxic residues in cucumbers being sprayed with extra brassinosteroids are 30-70 percent lower than those growing without the protective measure.

The technology is widely applied on big vegetable farms in some provinces.

(China.org.cn translated by Wu Jin)

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