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My impression of Israel (II)

By Pang Li
China.org.cn staff reporter

The remains of a Roman theater in Caesarea [Pang Li/China.org.cn]

The remains of a Roman theater in Caesarea [Pang Li/China.org.cn] 


Historical heritage 历史遗迹
I had the chance to see some well-preserved historical relics and old cities. Israeli people obviously take pride in their cultural heritage and want to preserve it as much as possible. 在以色列我参观了一些保存良好的历史遗迹和古城。显然,以色利人民对他们的文化遗产非常自豪,并且尽力保护。
In Caesarea, an ancient port city, you can wander through the remains of a thousand-year-old Roman theater, horse racing tracks, palaces, bath houses and warehouses. They look quite old, just as they were originally built. With help from a guide, you can imagine the kind of life that people were living more than 1,000 years ago. 在古老的港口城市凯撒利亚,你可以穿梭于有一千年历史的罗马剧院、赛马场、宫殿、浴室和仓库的遗址。这些遗址看上去非常的古老,和它们的建造年代一样的久远。在导游的讲解之下,你可以想象一千多年前的古人过一种什么样的生活。
Massada is another place with an old story. It was a famous fortress that Jewish rebels held against Roman armies more than 1,000 years ago. The Jews showed great heroism by choosing suicide over slavery after they lost the battle. Currently, tourists can only see the remains of three large palaces on top of an isolated rock plateau and the remains of Roman camps hundreds of meters below. Israelis try their best to keep the original state of the place. Even when they restored some of the walls, they used ancient stones from the site instead of stones from other places. At the same time, they marked the restored walls with black lines, in order to tell people of the original conditions of the walls. 而马萨达则有另一番历史。马萨达是一个著名的要塞,一千多年前犹太人在这里反抗罗马军队。战败之际,犹太人展现出壮烈的英雄气概,他们不甘心沦落为奴隶,选择了集体自杀。如今,游客们只能在举目空旷的高地之上看到三座巨大宫殿的遗址,数百米之下的地面是罗马军营的遗址。以色列人尽力保持这个地方的原貌。甚至当他们修复墙壁的时候,他们就地取材,用当地的古石,而非从别处运来的石材。同时,他们还在这些修复的墙上用黑线做了标记,告诉人们墙壁的原始面貌。
Yet of all the old cities, Jerusalem is undisputedly the most fascinating place. There are a large number of historical spots scattered in the city. The Old City surely caught my eye. When I saw the ancient city walls still intact, I was stunned. Afterward, while walking along the path that Jesus took to his crucifixion, I could not help getting a kind of sacred feeling. When I reached the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, I was completely blown away by the grand structure and its interior decorations. I wish I had had a lot more time to explore the Holy Land. 然而在所有的古城中,耶路撒冷无疑是最让人着迷的地方。这个城市里散布着数量众多的历史古迹。耶路撒冷老城着实让我着迷。看到保存完好的古城墙,我感到十分震惊。后来,当沿着耶稣走过的最后一条路走在老城里的时候,一种神圣的感觉油然而生。走到圣墓教堂,我被教堂宏大的建筑结构和华丽的装饰折服。我多么希望有更多的时间了解这座圣城。
Food 餐饮
Modern Israel is an immigrant country. This makes the food very diverse. You find cuisines from Europe and North Africa, among others. At the Dr. Shakshouka restaurant in Jaffa, I found my favorite dish to be none other than what the eatery is named for — shakshouka — a North African dish made of fried eggs, tomatoes, onions and spices. 现代的以色列是一个移民国家,这使得它的餐饮样式繁多。比如说你能在这里找到来自欧洲和北非的菜肴。在一个叫做沙克舒卡博士的餐馆,我发现了我最喜欢的菜­­——沙克舒卡,一种来自北非的由鸡蛋、番茄、洋葱和香料做成的菜肴,当然了,餐馆的名字也是从这道菜来的。
We did not eat a lot of Chinese food throughout most of the trip, which was not a problem as the food was quite tasty. A fellow reporter told me that of all the places she'd been, she had had some of the best food in Israel. 旅行期间我们没怎么吃中国菜,不过这没什么,因为当地的饭菜很可口。一位同行的记者告诉我在她走过的所有地方里,以色利的饭菜最好吃。
Israel has many charming restaurants. We once dined in a renovated house built by Germans many decades ago in Haifa. The dining hall had an old look to it, with articles from daily life hung as decoration. For another meal, we had lunch in a restaurant overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. The panoramic view made our lunch quite fascinating. We got to do two amazing things at the same time: eat fabulous Israeli food while looking at the gorgeous Mediterranean Sea!


China.org.cn 庞力 译)

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