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纽约普选华人成果丰硕 三人胜出改写华人参政史
Three Chinese Americans win New York City elections

Three Chinese Americans won their races in the election held on November 3 in New York City. Democrat John Liu (second from the left) trounced his Republican opponent to become comptroller, winning 76 percent of the vote.
Three Chinese Americans won their races in the election held on November 3 in New York City. Democrat John Liu (second from the left) trounced his Republican opponent to become comptroller, winning 76 percent of the vote.

据美国《侨报》报道,在纽约市当地时间3日举行的普选中,华人参政取得丰硕成果,三名华人为纽约华人参政史写下浓墨重彩的一页:刘醇逸当选为纽约市审计长,成为纽约市有史以来首位全市性的华裔民选官员;陈倩雯成为纽约华埠第一位市议员;顾雅明获得有“第二华埠”之称的法拉盛市议员席位。 Three Chinese Americans won their races in the election held on November 3 in New York City, according to Qiaobao, a Chinese-language newspaper in New York. The three are: John Liu (Liu Chunyi), the first Asian-American elected to a citywide office in NYC; Margaret Chin (Chin Qianwen), the first Chinese American female elected to New York City’s City Council; and Gu Yaming, elected to the City Council from Flushing, the second largest Chinatown in NYC.
而在万众瞩目的市长选举中,现任市长彭博仅以5%(51%46%)的微弱优势击败民主党挑战者汤信,获得连任,赢得非常不易。 Also in the citywide elections, incumbent New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg was re-elected with a five percent advantage (51 percent to 46 percent), over his Democratic challenger Bill Thompson. The victory was not achieved easily.
民主党候选人刘醇逸以76%的得票轻取共和党对手,荣登纽约市审计长宝座。审计长是纽约市仅次于市长和公益倡导人的全市性公职。 Democrat Liu trounced his Republican opponent to become comptroller, winning 76 percent of the vote. The comptroller, or city auditor, ranks third among city officials, only after mayor and public advocator.
在华埠市议员选战中,民主党候选人陈倩雯以86%的高票轻骑过关,赢得胜利,从而填补了纽约华埠开埠150多年来没有华裔市议员的空白,创造纽约华人参政的又一历史。她同时也成为纽约市的首位亚裔女市议员。 Chin won the congressional contest with 86 percent of the vote. After more than 150 years, she is the first Chinese American female elected from Chinatown to serve on the City Council.
法拉盛的市议员选战在两名华裔候选人中展开,选战异常激烈。最终,共和党候选人顾雅明以50%的选票击败民主党候选人周燕霞(45%),在民主党地盘上获得胜利,夺得市议员席位。 The City Council seat in Flushing, Queens, was fierce between two Chinese Americans—Republican Gu Yaming and Democrat Zhou Yanxia. Despite Flushing being dominated by Democrats, Gu won the election with 50 percent of the vote, compared to Zhou’s 45 percent.

Seats held by Chinese Americans on the New York City Council have now increased from one to two.

(China.org.cn translated by Wu Jin)

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