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TCM recipes to prevent A/H1N1

白术、黄芩、银花各6,苏叶3,煎汁熬服,可帮助不宜接种甲流疫苗的孕妇预防甲流。 With Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae (báizhúin Pinyin), six grams of Scutellaria baicalensis (Huáng qín in Pinyin), and three grams of Perillae Herba (sū yè in Pin yin), pregnant women who are not able to receive the A/H1N1 flu vaccine can be protected.
118,北京市中医管理局公布市民居家预防甲流的中医药方案,其中四份中草药饮片组方,分别针对成人、儿童、孕妇和老年人,帮助他们在冬季来临时,抵御甲流及其他流感病毒的侵袭。 Prevention prescriptions were released on November 8 by the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Administration Bureau for both the A/H1N1 flu and the seasonal flu. There are four kinds of TCM recipes: a recipe for adults, children, pregnant women and the elderly.
市中医局副局长屠志涛介绍,预防药方中的中药饮片都是常用的,价格比较低廉,每包也就是几块钱。其中,适合成人服用的漱饮方,饮片价格每天仅合一元钱左右,“针对孕妇的方子,每天1剂还不足1元钱,不仅可以防甲流和其他流感症状,还能安胎。”市民可根据自己的状况,持针对性的药方到全市各大药房或中医医院的专柜购买,回家自行煎服。 The ingredients in the prescriptions are frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine and are not expensive. The price of the prescription for adults is one RMB per day, and the price of one dose for pregnant women is even cheaper. The recipe for expectant mothers can not only prevent the A/H1N1 flu, but can also be helpful to prevent a miscarriage, said Tu Zhitao, vice direction of Beijing TCM Administration Bureau. People can buy the medicines in drug stores in Beijing and then boil them at home.

The recipes have been worked out for different groups of people during this special period. However, with the peak season of the A/H1N1 flu coming, everyone may possibly be in close contact with the A/H1N1 bacteria. Tu suggested that people should use traditional Chinese medicine properly to prevent getting A/H1N1.


One million flu prevention brochures have been printed in Beijing. As of yesterday, they were being freely distributed to the public through community-level clinics and hospitals of traditional Chinese medicine. The brochure covers the four TCM recipes for preventing A/H1N1.
今年冬天,北京市卫生部门还将组建“家庭保健员”队伍,安排专家进社区。 Medical staff will be organized by health departments in Beijing and sent to local communities.

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