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Qiang Xuesen talks: The nation should cultivate talents engaging in scientific and technological innovations (I)
11月2日,学生们向新建成的“青年钱学森”铜像献花。当日,钱学森展览馆在钱学森生前念书的北京师大附中落成。(新华) Students presented flowers to the newly built “Young Qian Xuesen” bronze statue on Nov. 2, 2009. On the same day, the Qian Xuesen Exhibition Center was founded at the high school affiliated to Beijing Normal University. [Xinhua]


Students presented flowers to the newly built “Young Qian Xuesen” bronze statue on Nov. 2, 2009. On the same day, the Qian Xuesen Exhibition Center was founded at the high school affiliated to Beijing Normal University. [Xinhua]

钱老去世以后,许多人问我们:钱老有什么遗言?并希望我们这些身边工作人员写一篇钱学森在最后的日子的文稿。我们已告诉大家,钱老去世时很平静安详,他没有什么最后的遗言。因为在钱老去世前的一段日子,他说话已经很困难了。我们可以向大家提供的,是钱老最后一次向我们作的系统谈话的一份整理稿:钱老谈科技创新人才的培养问题。 After old Qian died, many people asked us, “What last words did old Qian leave us?” and expected us to write an article on “Qian Xuesen’s Last Days.” We already told them that old Qian died very peacefully, and he didn’t leave any last words because it was difficult for him to speak in his last days. We can only provide you a revised version of old Qian’s last systematic talks with us: Old Qian on the cultivation of talents engaging in scientific and technological innovation.   
今天找你们来,想和你们说说我近来思考的一个问题,即人才培养问题。我想说的不是一般人才的培养问题,而是科技创新人才的培养问题。我认为这是我们国家长远发展的一个大问题。 “Today, I invite you here to discuss with you a problem I recently thought about — talent cultivation. What I mean is not common talent cultivation, but the cultivation of talents engaging in scientific and technological innovations. I think this is a big issue for the long-term development of our nation.
今天,党和国家都很重视科技创新问题,投了不少钱搞什么创新工程创新计划 等等,这是必要的。但我觉得更重要的是要具有创新思想的人才。问题在于,中国还没有一所大学能够按照培养科学技术发明创造人才的模式去办学,都是些人云亦云、一般化的,没有自己独特的创新东西,受封建思想的影响,一直是这个样子。我看,这是中国当前的一个很大问题。 Today, both the Party and the state attach great importance to scientific and technological innovation and have invested a lot of money in “innovation projects,” “innovation plans,” and so forth. It is necessary. But I think more importantly, we need talents with innovative ideas. The problem is, China lacks a university which follows the idea of cultivating talents engaging in scientific and technological innovation and invention. Affected by feudal thoughts, Chinese universities have always been following the crowd and have nothing new of their own. I think this is a big problem facing China at present.
最近我读《参考消息》,看到上面讲美国加州理工学院的情况,使我想起我在美国加州理工学院所受的教育。 Lately, when I was reading Cankao Xiaoxi, I saw an introduction piece for the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). It reminded me of the education I received at Caltech.

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