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Mika comes from a family of three girls and two boys. He has one younger brother and one younger sister along with two older sisters. His sister Yasmine, who works as an artist under the nom de plume Dawack, painted the cartoon art for his album Life in Cartoon Motion, and she is currently a fashion designer. He also speaks French fluently. In an interview on 28 September 2009 with The Chris Moyles Show on BBC Radio 1 he commented that he had learnt Mandarin Chinese for 9 years but did not speak it very well, but mentioned that his three sisters did all speak it fluently. 米卡的家里有兄弟姐妹5个,他排行老三,上面有两个姐姐,下面有一个弟弟和一个妹妹。他的姐姐Yasmine是一个画家,笔名Dawack,为他的专辑《卡通人生》(Life In Cartoon Motion)创作了卡通封面,现在是一名时装设计师。米卡的法语说得很流利。2009928,他接受BBC广播1The Chris Moyles Show节目的采访时还透露,他学了9年的汉语,但是说得不是很好,不过他的三个姐妹汉语都很流利。
Because of his flamboyant stage persona, there have been rumours that Mika might be gay. In response to media speculation on this theme he has been quoted as saying "I never talk about anything to do with my sexuality. I just don't think I need to. People ask me all the time. But I just don't see the point." He added that "in order to survive I've kind of shut up different parts of my life, and that's one of them, especially this early in my career." 因为他夸张的舞台表演风格,一直有谣传米卡很可能是同性恋。面对媒体的猜测,他回应说:“我从不谈及自己的性取向,只是觉得自己也没必要去谈这个。人们总是问我这个问题,但我没明白这到底有什么意义。”他还补充道:“为了生存,我会对自己生活的某些方面有所保留,尤其是在我的事业才刚刚开始的时候,而这个就是其中的一方面。”
By now it is clear that Mika is not as other artists are. His surname could just as well be ‘Singular’. Enveloped in an imaginative musical world of his own creation, he is one of the few British male pop stars of his age that doesn’t run with the pack. Classically trained, racially mixed and prone to theatrical physical gesture, he has become a scion of ambitiously delivered self-expression. He says his music can be condensed easily, ‘the basic principals are that it is joyful and empowering and doesn’t cowtow to fashion or convention,’ calling to mind an old and almost forgotten pop notion: individuality. 如今,米卡显然跟其他艺人不一样。这就正如他的姓氏一样,“独一无二”。作为英国同龄歌手中屈指可数、不随大流的流行男歌手之一,他自己创造了一个富于想象力的音乐世界并沉浸其中。他有着种族混合血统,接受过古典音乐的训练,倾向于夸张的舞台肢体表演,因此是勇于传达个性表现的新一代。他说,简单归结起来,他的音乐“基本特征是给人带来快乐、赋予人力量,而不受流行或者传统约束”,能唤起人们心中一个古老却几乎被遗忘的流行音乐概念:个性。
Mika opened his pop career with the defining single Grace Kelly. It has sold almost 3 million copies worldwide and was only the second British single to top the chart on downloads alone. His total single sales from Life In Cartoon Motion add up beyond six million. The album itself bagged over 5 million till receipts. Mika was nominated for and won awards from the Brits, the Grammys, the Ivor Novellos, Capital Radio, Q magazine, The World Music Awards, BT and Vodaphone, Virgin Media and MTV’s Europe, Asia, Australia and Japan, amongst others. But the statistics only hint at the strident grip he boldly took on pop music when he entered its fray; they are the neat vindication that one of pop’s biggest outsiders could conquer from within.

米卡的流行音乐生涯始于那首决定性的单曲Grace Kelly,其在全球的销量将近300万张,而且单凭下载量登上排行榜冠军,这也是英国金榜史上第二张获此殊荣的单曲。他的专辑《卡通人生》(Life In Cartoon Motion)里所有单曲唱片的总销量突破600万张,而这张专辑本身至今也已将500多万张的销量收入囊中。米卡曾在不少音乐奖项上获得提名乃至获奖,其中包括:全英音乐奖(the Brits)、格莱美奖(the Grammys)、英国音乐创作奖Ivor NovellosCapital Radio电台、Q magazine杂志、世界音乐奖、BT and Vodaphone电信奖、Virgin Media以及MTV音乐频道在欧洲、亚洲、澳洲、日本等各地的大奖。但是,这些记录都是他以自己尖锐的高音步入流行乐坛并做出大胆尝试后收获的成果;同时很好地证明了一个没有背景的门外汉,也是有机会在乐坛掀起一场大风大浪的。

China.org.cn 汪玮 译)

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