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Understanding China

File photo: Fu Ying, China's Ambassador to UK.
File photo: Fu Ying, China's Ambassador to UK.


Speech by Fu Ying, China's Ambassador to UK, at the English Speaking Union 


December 10, 2009


Lord Hunt,
Ladies and Gentlemen,


It is a great honor for me to be invited to speak at the Churchill Lecture. And it is a special honor to have Lady Soames with us in the audience.


Sir Winston Churchill was a man of many great accomplishments. The fact that he was the first Chairman of the ESU, is a clear indication of his commitment to promoting peace and understanding across the world through the use of the English language.


When I was a student in the UK 24 years ago, I bought his autobiography when visiting Chartwell House. Buying books was luxury for me at that time and I valued it and read from cover to cover.


I was deeply struck by Sir Winston’s attitude towards learning. When still a backbencher, he already distinguished himself in the Commons and was seen as a bright young man. He explained that no one can be bright, without learning and disclosed how he devoted hours and days finding the background of the facts from books in the corridors of Westminster every time before asking the two-minute question.


This inspired me greatly especially, when my classes got harder. To this day, I still work very hard on every speech or interview I take, including this one and I thank the English Speaking Union for giving me a unique training course in Oxford for speaking and debating skill during my study in UK. I hope the training worked for me or, if you judge me to be a poor speaker today, at least you know where part of the blame lies.


Today, I have entitled my speech as Understanding China.


According to Global Language Monitor, an American research body following the global media reporting, on its list of the Top News Stories of the Decade, the rise of China came as the first, even well ahead of 9/11 and the war in Iraq.


But I think 2009 will probably be remembered in our history, as China’s transition into playing a major role in the world.


Here in London, I could clearly sense China’s emergence onto the world stage. During the G20 London Summit, the close cooperation between China, US, UK and other countries shows that China has come to the centre stage of addressing global issues.


During his recent visit to China, President Obama referred to China’s playing a larger role in global events as one of the most important things happened over the last two decades. He welcomed it and said that US looked forward to being an effective partner with China.

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