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The Hurt Locker

片名:The Hurt Locker
          (Kathryn Bigelow)
主演:杰瑞米•雷纳(Jeremy Renner)
           安东尼•麦凯(Anthony Mackie)
         (Brian Geraghty)
           盖•皮尔斯(Guy Pearce)
                (Summit Entertainment)


The Story

The Hurt Locker is a riveting, suspenseful portrait of the courage under fire of the military's unrecognized heroes: the technicians of a bomb squad who volunteer to challenge the odds and save lives doing one of the world's most dangerous jobs. Three members of the Army's elite Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) squad battle insurgents and one another as they search for and disarm a wave of roadside bombs on the streets of Baghdad -- in order to try and make the city a safer place for Iraqis and Americans alike. Their mission is clear -- protect and save -- but it's anything but easy, as the margin of error when defusing a war-zone bomb is zero. This thrilling and heart-pounding look at the psychology of bomb technicians and the effects of risk and danger on the human psyche is a fictional tale inspired by real events by journalist and screenwriter Mark Boal, who was embedded with a special bomb unit in Iraq. 《拆弹部队》情节紧张,引人入胜,讲述了一组在战火中显示大无畏精神的拆弹专家的故事。他们甘冒奇险,为了拯救生命做着世界上最危险的一份工作;他们是军队里的英雄,但他们的故事鲜为人知。影片聚焦美国陆军爆炸物处理精英小组的三个成员,为了确保伊拉克平民和当地美国军人的生命安全,他们在巴格达街头搜寻并解除了一波又一波路边炸弹。在与伊拉克反叛武装做斗争的同时,他们三个人也彼此有着一番“较量”。他们的任务很明确,就是保护、挽救生命,但这绝不是一件容易的事,因为在战区里拆除炸弹是不容许出任何差错的。这部虚构的影片透视了拆弹专家的心理,刻画了险境对人类心灵的影响,扣人心弦又让人胆战心惊;而这些都源自记者也是本片的编剧马克•鲍尔的所见所闻,他曾被特派到伊拉克,深入一支特殊的拆弹部队做战地记者。
During the early stages of the post-invasion period in Iraq in 2004, Sergeant First Class William James, a battle-tested veteran, becomes the team leader of a U.S. Army Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) unit, replacing Staff Sergeant Thompson, who was killed by a remote-detonated 155mm improvised explosive device (IED) in Baghdad. He joins Sergeant J.T. Sanborn and Specialist Owen Eldridge, whose jobs are to communicate with their team leader via radio inside his bombsuit, and provide him with rifle cover while he examines IEDs. During their missions of disarming IEDs and engaging insurgents together, James's unorthodox methods lead Sanborn and Eldridge to consider him reckless. Tensions mount between James and the other two team members. During a raid on a warehouse, James discovers the dead body of a young boy who has been surgically implanted with an unexploded bomb. James believes it to be "Beckham", a young Iraqi merchant he had previously befriended. 2004年,也就是美军占领伊拉克后不久,陆军上士威廉•詹姆斯——一位身经百战的老兵——接任美国陆军爆炸物处理小组组长。前任组长是参谋军士汤普森,在巴格达一次拆弹任务中,一只遥控引爆的155毫米口径自制炸弹使他失去了生命。与詹姆斯一起工作的是中士桑伯恩和特种兵艾缀奇,他们的任务就是在詹姆斯检查炸弹装置的时候,通过詹姆斯防爆服里的无线电与他进行交流,同时为他提供步枪掩护。无论是一起拆除爆炸装置还是与伊拉克反叛武装交战,詹姆斯总是背离传统程序,桑伯恩和艾缀奇因此觉得他很鲁莽。詹姆斯和他的这两名队员之间的紧张情绪也有增无减。一次,突击搜查一家仓库,詹姆斯发现了一具小男孩的尸体,这个孩子的身体里被植入了一颗尚未引爆的炸弹。詹姆斯将这具尸体错认为是一个和他关系不错的伊拉克小孩,那个名叫贝克汉姆的孩子曾经向他兜售过商品。
As the EOD team tracks down and kills two insurgents, Eldridge is accidentally shot in the leg. The next morning, James is approached by Beckham. The young boy tries to converse with James, who walks by without saying a word. Being airlifted for surgery, Eldridge blames James for his injury, referring to Sanborn's suggestion that the mission, which James had ordered, would be better suited for an infantry platoon. 后来,这个爆炸物处理小组追踪(另一起爆炸事件的起因),杀死了两个反叛武装人员。就在这次意外中,艾缀奇的腿部中了枪。第二天早上,(真正的)贝克汉姆走近詹姆斯试图跟他搭话,詹姆斯却一句话也没应就走开了。艾缀奇被空运接受手术治疗,他责备詹姆斯没有听取桑伯恩的建议才害他受伤,詹姆斯下达的这个任务本应该由一个步兵排去完成。
After failing in a mission to remove and disarm a time-bomb strapped to an Iraqi civilian's chest, Sanborn becomes emotional and confesses to James that he can no longer cope with the pressure of being in EOD, and he looks forward to finally leaving Iraq and starting a family. James returns home to his wife and child and is shown quietly performing the routine tasks of suburban civilian life. One night James confesses to his infant son that there is only one thing that he knows he loves. He is next seen back in Iraq, ready to serve another 365 days as an EOD team member with Delta Company.

一次,他们帮助一个伊拉克平民拆除捆绑在胸膛上的定时炸弹。这次拆弹没有成功,桑伯恩情绪很激动,他向詹姆斯坦露,他再也承受不了在爆炸物处理小组工作的压力了,他期望最终离开伊拉克并成立自己的家庭。詹姆斯回到了妻子和孩子身边,在郊区过着安宁的平民生活。一天晚上,詹姆斯对着年幼的儿子坦露心声,只有一件事他是真的喜欢。这之后,他又回到伊拉克,再次加入Delta Company成为爆炸物处理部队的队员,开始了新一轮365天的服役生活。

(China.org.cn 汪玮 译)

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