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Zhang Yimou: James Cameron too optimistic about 3-D movies

Director Zhang Yimou poses with his trophy after winning the 'Outstanding Contribution to Asian Cinema' award at the Asian Film Awards in Hong Kong, south China, on March 22, 2010. [Xinhua]
Director Zhang Yimou poses with his trophy after winning the "Outstanding Contribution to Asian Cinema" award at the Asian Film Awards in Hong Kong, south China, on March 22, 2010. [Xinhua]

中国导演张艺谋表示,考虑到硬件设施和文化等方面的因素,3D电影不会完全取代普通2D电影。 Director Zhang Yimou said 3-D movies cannot take the place of 2-D movies for logistical and cultural reasons.
第四届亚洲电影大奖颁奖典礼上周一在香港举行,张艺谋荣获杰出贡献奖。获奖后,他表示:“这部电影(《阿凡达》)的出现极大地加快了电影3D化的进程,我还是觉得他(詹姆斯•卡梅隆)太乐观了,三到五年,全世界电影院就算现在开始集体进行改造,也不可能全都改成3D影厅啊。” "Undoubtedly, Avatar has considerably boosted the development of 3-D movies," Zhang said after receiving the outstanding contribution award at the 4th Asian Film Awards in Hong Kong last Monday. "But I think James Cameron is too optimistic about the future of 3-D movies. It is impossible that all the world's movie theaters can be transformed to 3-D theaters in three to five years."
《阿凡达》的导演詹姆斯•卡梅隆曾预言,三到五年内3D电影将取代2D电影。 Cameron, who directed Avatar, had predicted that 3-D movies will replace 2-D movies in three to five years.
张艺谋表示,“3D电影以后的确会形成一个强大的电影类型,但就算再完善,它也取代不了普通电影。…… 我觉得电影总是各种各样的。” Zhang said 3-D movies will become a very popular cinematic format but no matter how much they evolved, they will not take the place of regular 2-D movies because cinema should be diverse.
张艺谋目前正在筹拍两部普通2D影片,其中《山楂树之恋》改编于艾米的同名小说,讲述了一段发生在文革时期的爱情;《金陵十三钗》则取材于1937年南京大屠杀。 Zhang is currently working on two projects, neither of which will be in 3-D: The Love of the Hawthorn Tree (Shan zha shu zhi lian), adapted from Ai Mi's novel of the same name, a love story set during the Cultural Revolution, and The 13 Women of Nanjing (Jin ling shi san chai), another period piece set during the 1937 Nanjing Massacre.

He said that he does not think it is the right time for him to make 3-D movies now, but he will try to make one when it is.

(China.org.cn translated by Pang Li)

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