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Mainland suppliers fail to make the iPad grade
The Apple iPad hit the shops last Sunday.
The Apple iPad hit the shops last Sunday.

苹果的iPad于上周末上市,但iPad供应商的名单里没有一家中国大陆本土企业;不过,参与其中的有不少台湾企业,它们的生产地集中在珠三角和长三角。  No mainland Chinese companies were included in the supply chain for the Apple iPad, which hit the shops last Sunday. But some Taiwanese contractors with production sites in the Pearl River and Yangtze River deltas were chosen.
iPad的芯片主要由三星、东芝、英飞凌、博通等电子业国际巨头提供,面板采用的是韩国LG的,印制电路板则由奥地利公司AT&S独家供货。 International electronics giants including Samsung, Toshiba, Infineon, and Broadcom are supplying the chips for the iPad. South Korea's LG and Austrian firm AT&S are delivering the touch screen and printed circuit boards.
苹果的零部件供应商中,至少有六家台湾企业。台湾华通、可成、正葳拿下了电池背板、USB连接器及线材的订单,鸿海、台积电和日月光则负责芯片的代工。 At least six Taiwanese companies were chosen as suppliers by Apple. InfoAcer, Catcher Technology and Foxlink are contracted to provide the battery and USB ports. Hong Hai, Taiwan Semiconductor and ASE group will assemble the final product.
这些台湾企业的生产设备主要集中在珠三角和长三角,因此它们大部分都在大陆为苹果提供生产服务。“中国制造”的标签往往与质量低劣联系在一起,这也许是苹果没有选择大陆本土企业进入其供应体系的原因。 The Taiwanese companies have production facilities in the Pearl River and Yangtze River deltas so some assembly work will be done on the mainland. But it is thought poor quality associated with the "Made in China" tag may have led Apple to rule mainland-owned electronics firms out of consideration.
这些选中的台湾企业在电子代工市场拥有更多的经验,像富士康和华硕都一直在为苹果代工着终端产品。 The Taiwanese companies selected have extensive experience as contract manufacturers, and Foxconn and ASUS are already Apple OEMs.
iPad供应商争相在这条供应链中营利,而苹果拥有的是更大的利润空间。以iPad 16GB无3G版本为例,它在美国标价499美元,但其材料成本只需要约260美元;带3G功能的高端3G iPad材料成本大约仅350美元,而售价高达829美元。 But the iPad suppliers will struggle to make money out of the contracts given the huge markup that will go to Apple. The 16GB, non-3G iPad retails in the U.S. for US$499 but costs just US$260 to produce. The 3-G model sells for US$829, more than double its estimated production cost of US$350.

For mainland companies, the remaining route to make money from the iPad is by building software applications. This may well turn out to be the more profitable option given that the mainland Chinese market is too big for Apple to ignore.

(China.org.cn by Maverick Chen, April 9, 2010)

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