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Flying Tiger in WWII, secret ambassador today (II)

Deng Xiaoping meets with Ms. Anna Chan Chennault in China in 1980. [Photo courtesy of nywcfped.com] 1980年,邓小平接见来到中国的陈香梅。

Deng Xiaoping meets with Ms. Anna Chan Chennault in China in 1980. [Photo courtesy of nywcfped.com]

Bilateral civilian messenger 中美民间信使
As Anna became increasingly prominent in mainstream political activities and gradually built up her status in social circles, she came to be known in the U.S. capital as "the hostess of Washington." 陈香梅在美国主流政治活动中的表现日益突出,她在社交圈中的地位也逐步稳固;在美国的首都,她被称为“华盛顿女主人”。
In the early 1980s, as the Chinese mainland began to implement its opening-up and reform policy, she naturally served as an envoy between the three points of the triangle – the mainland, Taiwan and the U.S. In 1980, shortly after Ronald Reagan's presidential election victory, she was sent to Beijing as a special ambassador to meet with Deng Xiaoping. 20世纪80年代初期,中国大陆开始实行改革开放政策,陈香梅自然而然地成为大陆、台湾,以及美国三方之间的使者。1980年,理查德•里根当选美国总统之后不久,陈香梅作为特使被派到北京,受到了邓小平的接见。
Today Anna visits the mainland frequently and is an active player in promoting cultural exchanges between China and the U.S., as well as across the Strait. 如今陈香梅女士频繁地访问大陆,在推动中美两国以及海峡两岸文化交流方面起到了积极的作用。
In 1981, she established the Chen Hsiang-mei Education Prize in more than a dozen cities in the mainland in order to encourage outstanding teachers. The "Chen Hsiang-mei Scholarship," which includes a stipend of US$2000, is awarded each spring to persons majoring in Chinese. Each year she travels to various cities to present the award. 1981年,她在大陆的十几个城市设立了“陈香梅教育奖”,奖励杰出教师。她还设立了“陈香梅奖学金”,每年春天都会为一批优秀的中文系学生颁发2000美元的助学金。每一年她都会亲临这些城市颁发奖项。
Besides creating these awards, she has also founded several "Hsiang-mei schools," covering all costs out of her own pocket. 除设立奖项之外,她还自费创办了多所“香梅学校”。
"I'm interested in education; I think it's the foundation of a strong nation," Anna explained. "I just want to do more for my motherland." “我对教育事业很感兴趣。我认为,教育是国家强大的基础,”陈香梅女士解释道。“我只是想为我的祖国多做一些事情。”
She said she was greatly encouraged and helped by her teachers, and that she would never forget them. She was one of initiators of "Teachers' Day" in China. 陈女士说,她曾经从自己的老师那里得到过极大的鼓励与帮助,这些她会永远铭记。陈香梅女士是中国教师节的发起人之一。
From northern China to the south, from Taiwan to the U.S., Anna has experienced both bitterness and sweetness. She sees herself as a wonderful combination of identities. 从华北到华南,从台湾到美国,陈香梅的经历苦乐半参。她认为自己是多重身份的完美统一。
"During the past three decades, the mainland has changed dramatically. Now it's undertaking the development of the western region (including Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, Shaanxi, Sichuan and so forth)," she said. "It has made me determined to go there, which is backward and in need of help."


(China.org.cn 李潇 译)

To be continued ...

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