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Flying Tiger in WWII, secret ambassador today (III)

By Wang Ke
China.org.cn staff reporter

Ms. Anna Chan Chennault 陈香梅女士
Ms. Anna Chan Chennault


Trip with hope 希望之旅
Although this was her first trip to Erdos City, Anna invited more than a dozen businessmen and entrepreneurs from Hong Kong and the U.S. to accompany her. 尽管这是她头一次去鄂尔多斯,陈香梅女士还是邀请到十几位香港和美国的商人和企业家一同前往。
"My staff told me that Erdos is full of coal, gas and other natural resources. So I brought some of my friends along to see whether there are opportunities," she said. “工作人员告诉我鄂尔多斯地区遍布煤矿、天然气矿和其他自然资源。所以我带了一些朋友来看看是否有投资的机会,”她说。
Two businessmen in her group had already been to the city and planned to invest in local tourism and the hotel industry. "I've already written two recommendation letters and I will personally introduce these two men to city mayors. I hope they can make some agreements," she told China.org.cn. 同行的两位商人曾经去过那座城市,他们打算投资当地的旅游和旅馆业。陈香梅告诉中国网记者:“我已经为这两位朋友写了推荐信,我还会亲自把他们介绍给市长。”
Kwok Yi-chung, chairman of Chinvest Funds in Hong Kong, plans to open a hotel in Erdos and asked Anna to introduce him to local authorities. He said: "I hope she can set up a bridge between social resources and my company. She is so nice and kind, and also has many friends." 香港中投基金管理有限公司(Chinvest Funds)董事长郭奕忠先生(Kwok Yi-chung)计划在鄂尔多斯市开一家宾馆。他请陈女士将他介绍给当地的政府官员。郭先生说:“我希望公司能够通过她沟通广泛的社会资源。她十分友善,朋友遍天下。”
As the plane descended and the airport appeared, Anna looked both nervous and excited. Sitting next to her holding her hands was her best friend Irving Kaufman, who has accompanied her for 20 years and is vice chairman of the Council for International Cooperation. "Everything is great! Your friends want to come and local officials will welcome them," he said. 飞机开始降落,机场展现在我们眼前;陈香梅女士看上去即紧张又兴奋。坐在她身边的是她最好的朋友欧文•考夫曼。他是美国国际合作委员会的副主席,陪伴陈女士20年之久。他握着她的手,安慰道:“一切都很顺利。你的朋友愿意来这里,地方官员也会欢迎他们的到来。”
Irving met Anna in 1970. At the time, he knew nothing about Chinese culture. "She is not only a wonderful person but a wonderful teacher. She is like an encyclopedia. She has a fantastic knowledge in depth since she was a reporter," he told China.org.cn. "She is strong and determined. She does what she believes is correct even if the rest of society didn't agree with her. And she has a deep love of her mother country even though she migrated to United States, became a citizen. And she has transferred that love to me. I'm an American, right? But I have also a deep love for Chinese people." 考夫曼先生在1970年结识了陈香梅女士;当时,他对中国文化一无所知。他对中国网记者说:“她(陈香梅)是一个了不起的人,更是我的良师。因为她从前做过记者,所以对很多东西都有着深度的认识,就像一本百科全书。她坚强而富有主见,自己认为正确的事情就要坚持到底,哪怕所有人都反对。尽管她已经移民成为美国公民,她对自己的祖国依然有着深沉的爱;这份爱经由她传递给我。我是一个美国人,但我现在也深深地热爱着中国人民。”
The plane landed; the door opened; Anna stepped out. Not very far away, a welcoming group including the deputy mayor of Erdos, Wang Fengshan, was waiting with smiles and flowers.


(China.org.cn 李潇 译)

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