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Clash of the Titans

片名:Clash of the Titans
导演:路易斯•莱特里尔(Louis Leterrier)
主演:萨姆•沃辛顿(Sam Worthington)
          连姆•尼森(Liam Neeson)
          拉尔夫•费因斯(Ralph Fiennes)
          杰森•弗莱明(Jason Flemyng)
          杰玛•阿特登(Gemma Arterton)
         (Alexa Davalos)
         (Mads Mikkelsen)
          丹尼•赫斯顿(Danny Huston)



The Story

Clash Of The Titans (2010) is the supposed fantasy Greek mythological story of god Zeus, his illegitimate son Perseus (demi-god) and the latter's fight with his uncle Hades (ruler of Underworld). It is a fight between good and evil. 《诸神之战》(2010)是根据希腊神话故事改编的一部奇幻电影,影片围绕天神宙斯、他的私生子珀尔修斯(半神)以及冥神哈德斯展开,主要讲述了珀尔修斯与他的叔叔哈德斯之间一场正义与邪恶的较量。 
The Olympians defeat the Titans with the help of sea monster Kraken (Hades' creation). Zeus (Liam Neeson) becomes king of gods, his brother Poseidon (Danny Huston) – lord of seas and other brother Hades (Ralph Fiennes) becomes lord of underworld. 借助于哈德斯创造的挪威海怪,奥林匹斯山诸神打败了提坦神族。宙斯(连姆•尼森 饰)成了众神之王,他的两个兄弟波塞冬(丹尼•赫斯顿 饰)和哈德斯(拉尔夫•费因斯 饰)则分别成为海神和冥神。
Millennia later, a fisherman rescues a coffin from sea. He finds baby Perseus and his dead mother Danae in it. He raises Perseus as his own son, who grows up (Sam Worthington) to be a fisherman. 数千年以后,一名渔翁从海里捞起了一口棺材,发现了还是婴儿的珀尔修斯和他死去的妈妈达那厄。他把珀尔修斯当成自己的儿子抚养长大,珀尔修斯(萨姆•沃辛顿 饰)也成为了一名渔夫。
A war on gods is declared when Argos' soldiers destroy statue of Zeus. Hades kills many soldiers and destroys Perseus' boat. His family is killed but he survives and is taken to Argos. 阿尔戈斯的士兵推翻了宙斯雕像,向众神宣战。哈德斯杀死了很多士兵,珀尔修斯家的渔船也在这场战争中被摧毁,只有他自己幸存了下来。于是,珀尔修斯被押送到阿尔戈斯。
King Cepheus (Vincent Regan) and Queen Cassiopeia (Polly Walker) of Argos are happy with the win and consider themselves gods. They compare their daughter Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) to Aphrodite (Agyness Deyn). Hades attacks again but Perseus is unaffected. Hades now knows Perseus is a demi-god and tells him his father is Zeus. 阿尔戈斯的国王克普斯(文森特•里根 饰)和女王卡西俄帕亚(波利•沃克 饰)为他们的胜利而庆祝,称自己为天神,还认为他们的女儿安德洛墨达(艾莉克莎•黛沃洛斯 饰)能与(爱与美的女神)阿佛洛狄特(阿格妮丝•迪恩 饰)相媲美。哈德斯再一次发起了攻击,珀尔修斯依然未受影响。哈德斯发现珀尔修斯是一个半神后,便告知珀尔修斯他的父亲正是宙斯。
Hades then kills the queen and swears revenge by releasing Kraken and if Andromeda is not sacrificed then Argos will be destroyed. He convinces Zeus to declare war on mankind. The king seeks Perseus' help. Io (Gemma Arterton), Perseus' well wisher, advises him to defeat Kraken. He and Argos' finest soldiers embark on a quest to find the Stygian Witches with a pair of hunters and Io following. 接着,哈德斯杀死了女王,发誓要放出挪威海怪复仇;倘若不献出安德洛墨达,他将摧毁整个阿尔戈斯;他还说服宙斯对人类发动战争。国王因此向珀尔修斯寻求帮助。女神 艾奥(杰玛•阿特登 饰)对珀尔修斯寄托了良好的愿望,她建议珀尔修斯去打败挪威海怪。于是,珀尔修斯和阿尔戈斯的精兵良将踏上了寻找地狱三女巫的征程,几个自荐的猎人还有艾奥也加入了这支队伍。
To counter this turn of events, Hades enlists Acrisius (Jason Flemyng), now called Calibos, to kill off Perseus by imbuing him with superhuman powers. Acrisius, the former king of Argos, was married to Danae, who Zeus had impregnated with Perseus. 面对这样的形势,哈德斯派出了阿克里西俄斯(杰森•弗莱明 饰)并赋予他超人的能力去消灭珀尔修斯。阿克里西俄斯曾是阿尔戈斯的前任国王,达那厄那时候嫁给了他,却怀上了宙斯的孩子珀尔修斯。现在的阿克里西俄斯已经更名为卡里波斯。
Calibos is injured in the fight and his blood drops turn into scorpions. Djinns (sand creatures with magical powers) appear and calm the scorpions. Djinns' chief Sheik Sulieman (Ian Whyte) becomes friends with Perseus. 卡里波斯在打斗中受了伤,他身上流下来的血转眼变成了巨蝎。这时候,沙漠中的魔法神灵现身了,他们帮助降服了这些蝎子。于是,神灵领袖谢克•苏莱曼(伊恩•怀特 饰)与珀尔修斯成为了朋友。
They come to Garden of Stygia and find the three Stygian Witches, who tell Perseus that the head of the Gorgon Medusa could kill the Kraken. Later Perseus kills Medusa (Natalia Vodianova) and Calibos, who then returns to his human form of Acrisius. Io dies as Calibos had stabbed her. 他们来到冥界,找到了地狱三女巫。这三个女巫告诉珀尔修斯,蛇发女怪美杜莎的头颅可以杀死挪威海怪。这之后,珀尔修斯杀死了美杜莎(娜塔丽•沃佳诺娃 饰)和卡里波斯,在这过程中艾奥也被卡里波斯刺死。卡里波斯死后变回了原来的阿克里西俄斯。
Perseus flies back with Medusa's head to Argos over Pegasus. He defeats Hades' creatures and turns Kraken to stone. Hades is banished to the underworld. Perseus rescues Andromeda but refuses to become king of Argos. He also refuses Zeus' offer to make him god. Zeus then gifts him with a resurrected Io. The movie ends on a happy note.


(China.org.cn 汪玮 译)

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