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Daily News 2010-07-19

The Three Gorges reservoir is facing its biggest challenge since it began operation with a major flood building up in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The peak flow of the coming flood is forecast to reach 70,000 cubic meters per second in the next 2-3 days, greater than the 50,000 cubic meters per second seen during the flood of 1998.
The Three Gorges reservoir is facing its biggest challenge since it began operation with a major flood building up in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The peak flow of the coming flood is forecast to reach 70,000 cubic meters per second in the next 2-3 days, greater than the 50,000 cubic meters per second seen during the flood of 1998.

Three Gorges faces 'biggest challenge' 三峡大坝迎最高洪峰
The Three Gorges reservoir is facing its biggest challenge since it began operation with a major flood building up in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River. The peak flow of the coming flood is forecast to reach 70,000 cubic meters per second in the next 2-3 days, greater than the 50,000 cubic meters per second seen during the flood of 1998. 长江上游正在形成一场大洪水,三峡大坝将面临落成以来最大的洪峰。未来2-3天,预测峰值将达到每秒7万立方米,超过1998年长江上游洪峰的最高值每秒5万立方米。
Young migrant workers want to stay in cities 仅1%新生代农民工愿回乡务农
According to a recent survey of young migrant workers published by the Shenzhen Municipal Trade Union, only 1% of them want to return to the countryside. Young migrant workers face problems because they are officially rural residents and find it difficult to integrate into the cities where they work and live. It is estimated that Shenzhen has over 7 million migrant workers with medical insurance, 73.8% of whom are young migrant workers. 日前,深圳市总工会发布新生代农民工调查结果。据测算,深圳仅参加社会医疗保险的农民工已突破700万人,其中,新生代农民工占该市农民工总数的73.8%。被调查者仅有1%表示今后愿意回乡务农,他们普遍认为,“农民”户籍让他们目前面对既难融入城市、又不愿离开城市的尴尬。
Indian students flock to plastic surgery 印度学生忙整容
According to the Guardian, cosmetic surgery specialists in Delhi, India, report hundreds of inquiries from middle-class students who are prepared to do anything to make a good first impression in their first week in college, including going under the knife. "It's only really taken off recently. The rush starts in May because term starts in July," Dr. Amit Gupta, a cosmetic surgeon, said, "I get dozens of telephone calls and end up doing eight or nine operations a month. Multiplied across all the clinics in the city you are looking at a pretty major amount." 英国《卫报》报道,印度德里的整容医生称许多来自中产家庭的学生千方百计想在大学开学的第一个星期里给大家留下好的印象,有的甚至不惜在自己身上动刀,他们接受了很多学生的咨询。整形医生Amit Gupta说:“整容最近才火起来,因为七月份学期开学,所以从五月份开始,我们的生意就好了起来。我每天都接到几十个咨询电话,一个月大概要做八九次整形手术。如果这个数字乘以德里所有整形医院数量的话,你就知道接受整容手术的人的数目是多么庞大了。”
I fathered my baby 22 years ago 患癌父亲喜迎“超时空”男婴
John, 37, from Burton, Derby, was just 14 when he was diagnosed with testicular cancer, but made the decision to have his sperm frozen before undergoing chemotherapy. Four weeks ago, he and his wife Beckie gave birth to a healthy boy, named Joseph. Joe is even more special to John, as he now faces his fifth battle against cancer, the News of the World reported. Experts say the case set a UK medical record for the length of time sperm has been frozen before being used in a successful pregnancy. The world record, set in the US, is 28 years. 据英国《世界新闻报》报道,英国德比郡伯顿市37岁男子约翰·罗兰德在14岁时被诊断出患有睾丸癌。第二年,他在接受化疗前竟出人意料地冷冻了自己的部分精子。4周前,约翰和妻子贝吉终于利用冷冻的精子生下了健康的儿子约瑟夫。对于正与癌症做第五次抗争的约翰来说,儿子的到来显得尤为特别。据医学专家称,用22年前冷冻的精子成功生育,创下了英国医学史上的一项纪录。目前的世界纪录为28年,在美国创造。
Hamas bans women from smoking water pipes 哈马斯禁女性抽水烟袋
Hamas has banned women from smoking water pipes in cafes, saying it destroys marriages and sullies the image of the Palestinian people. "It is inappropriate for a woman to sit cross-legged and smoke in public," Ihab Ghussein, the interior ministry spokesman, said yesterday. Confused owners initially thought the ban applied to both men and women, killing most of their evening business. The Hamas government swiftly issued a statement reassuring residents the ban only applied to women.



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