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Daily News 2010-07-25
Huang Peipei (L), 23, of Beijing, won the contest for 'China's best job' after making a speech, competing in a talent show and taking a written test.
Huang Peipei (L), 23, of Beijing, won the contest for "China's best job" after making a speech, competing in a talent show and taking a written test.
Woman wins 'China's best job' 美女获中国最爽工作
Yesterday, Huang Peipei, 23, of Beijing, won the contest for "China's best job" after making a speech, competing in a talent show and taking a written test. Her job is to write blogs, shoot promotion videos and recruit and organize netizens to visit the Nanhu Lake Senic Spot in Xinyang City, Henan Province. She will be named "master" of the 61 islands that form the scenic spot and her yearly salary will be 300,000 yuan, local media reported. 经过竞聘演讲、才艺展示、随机笔试等环节的考验,来自北京的23岁美女黄培陪昨天最终获得了“中国最爽工作”的职位。据当地媒体报道,她将成为河南信阳南湾湖景区61岛总岛主,她的工作内容就是每天写博客、拍摄宣传片、组织招募网友活动和参加景区大型活动。这份“中国最爽工作”的年薪达到了30万元。
[Background] Briton wins 'Best Job in the World' [背景] 英国人获“世界最好工作”
Ben Southall, 34, a British charity worker, beat out nearly 35,000 applicants from around the world for a six-month dream assignment, reported the Fox News on May 6, 2009. He will earn AU$150,000 to swim, explore and relax on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef while writing a blog to promote the area. The job is part of a tourism campaign to publicize the charms of northeastern Queensland of Australia. 据福克斯新闻网2009年5月6日报道,34 岁的英国慈善工作者本•绍索尔击败3.5万名来自世界各地的竞争者,成为大堡礁汉密尔顿岛的看护人。他将在半年的工作期内获得15万澳元的高薪(约合人民币65 万元),而其主要工作则是游泳﹑探险﹑休闲﹑并撰写博客来推广该地的旅游品牌。该工作系澳大利亚昆士兰州为宣传当地风情而推出的旅游发展计划的一部分。
Banks raise service fees 多家银行上调同城跨行取款手续费
Chinese banks are raising service fees for interbank ATM cash withdrawals in the same city. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Agricultural Bank of China and Bank of China all raised the minimum charge of this service from 2 to 4 yuan. Bank of Communications and Guangdong Development Bank also said they will raise this charge soon. 银行纷纷开始上调同城跨行ATM取款手续费。继包括工商银行、建设银行、农业银行和中国银行在内的四家国有大行全部实施同城跨行手续费4元的标准后,交通银行、广发行等银行也宣布从本月开始正式上调这一手续费。
Explaining this trend, an insider said banks pay 3.6 yuan for each interbank ATM cash withdrawal and raising the charge only prevents loss. 业内人士解释道,银行自身需要为每笔同城跨行取现支付3.6元手续费,提高收费之举实为避免损失。
China to invest to protect dolphins 港珠澳大桥增预算以保护中华白海豚
The Guangzhou Daily reported today that based on the advice of experts, construction of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge will face restrictions between April and August, the reproductive season of the Chinese white dolphin. To minimize the impact on marine life, particularly the rare Chinese white dolphin, many new measures, which will cost about 3.67 billion yuan, have been adopted. To build fewer piers, heights of the non-navigation channels in shoal water and deep water have been readjusted from 70 meters to 85 meters and 70 meters to 110 meters, respectively. Offshore operation has been replaced by onshore operation. 据《广州日报》报道,经过专家们的论证,港珠澳大桥将在每年4~8月份有条件施工,以期保护正处于繁殖高峰的中华白海豚。为尽量减少对海洋生物特别是中华白海豚的影响,专家们提出了许多新措施,如浅水区非通航孔桥由70米增大到85米,深水区非通航孔桥由70米增大到110米,从而减少桥墩;施工方法由海上作业变为陆地工厂化作业等。所有举措实施后预计将增加工程造价36.7亿。
EU retirees drive to China in RVs 欧洲老人开房车游全球
20 RVs with EU license plates arrived in Beijing Friday, the Beijing Times reported. About 40 Europeans, who have an average age of 65, are the drivers. All retirees said they want to entertain themselves by traveling the world. They started their journey from Germany on May 15 and have passed through Poland, Austria, Russia and Mongolia. On July 16, they entered China through Inner Mongolia's Erenhot. Reportedly, they will head to Xi'an, a city along the Silk Road, after four nights in Beijing. They are expected to finish the half-year journey in Istanbul by November. 《京华时报》今天报道:20辆悬挂欧盟车牌照的房车于前天进入北京。驾驶这些房车的是40余位平均年龄在65岁左右的欧洲老人。据说,这些退休的老人是想要通过环球旅行来自娱自乐。今年5月15日,他们从德国出发,途经波兰、奥地利、俄罗斯、蒙古等国家后,于7月16日从内蒙古的二连浩特进入中国。他们将在北京停留4个晚上,然后驱车前往西安,走丝绸之路,预计将于今年11月到达伊斯坦布尔,完成历时半年的自驾之旅。

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