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Daily News 2010-08-01

'Inception' will be released in the Chinese mainland Sept. 2, facing competition with four local films at the box offices.
"Inception" will be released in the Chinese mainland Sept. 2, facing competition with four local films at the box offices.
'Inception' release slated for Sept. 《盗梦空间》9月2日上映
"Inception" will be released in the Chinese mainland Sept. 2, facing competition with four local films at the box offices. Owing to the massive appeal of acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan, the sci-fi spectacular starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Ellen Page has topped the North American box office two weeks in a row and has a current worldwide gross of US$246 million since opening on July 16. 电影《盗梦空间》将于9月2日在内地上映,与4部国产片打响票房战。由著名导演克里斯托弗•诺兰执导,莱昂纳多•迪卡普里奥和爱伦•佩姬主演的首部科幻悬疑电影,自7月16日在北美公映以来,已经连续两周盘踞票房榜冠军。目前,该片全球票房累计2.46亿美元。
Sexy celebrity gets political 印尼艳星要参政
Julia Perez, the Indonesian singer, actress, model - and soon, perhaps, politician - has won legions of fans in the country but also condemnation from social conservatives for her overt use of sex appeal. The traditional ruler of Solo, a city in central Java, was conferring a title on her at a formal ceremony, according to the New York Times. Since returning to Indonesia three years ago after a decade in France and the Netherlands, Ms. Perez, 30, has led the charge one way with her sexy shows and music videos, her celebration of female sexuality and frank talk about sex. Her best-selling album, "Kamasutra," included a free condom, which drew the ire of Islamic organizations and got her banned from performing in several cities outside Jakarta, the capital. 据《纽约时报》报道,印尼走性感路线的女艺人朱莉娅•佩雷斯不仅有歌手、演员、模特等头衔,也许不久后还要再加上个“政治家”名号。自从宣布要参加地方选举后,她遭到保守派的抨击,但朱莉娅也靠着性感的形象,赢得不少人的支持。印尼爪哇岛中部城市梭罗市的统治者甚至要颁个正式的头衔给她。30岁的朱莉娅在荷兰和法国生活了十年后,三年前回返印尼。在印尼政坛走向回教化和西方化这两个极端的当下,朱莉娅以其性感的外貌带动了一股风潮,她的畅销专辑《爱经》曾附赠免费保险套,她公开谈性的作风使她遭受好些回教组织的批评,使她不能在雅加达以外的好多城市表演。
Officials proposed changing regional election laws to forbid candidates with "moral flaws" from running. But critics in the news media and on social-networking Web sites counter-attacked, pointing out that Indonesian politicians are hardly known for their ethics. 有官员曾提议要制定更严格的选举条件,制止“有道德缺陷”的人进入政坛。但这一提议遭到媒体和社交网站的一致批评,说印尼的政治家们本身道德标准也不咋地。
"So what if I'm sexy?" Ms. Perez said. "You can still eat tomorrow if you see me and find me sexy. But if I steal your money, tomorrow you cannot eat and tomorrow you cannot go to school and tomorrow you'll be a hopeless man." 朱莉娅则表示:“我性感,那又怎么样?”她解释道:“你见到我,觉得我性感,但你明天还是有饭吃;可是,如果我盗取你的钱财,明天你就没饭吃,明天你就不能上学,你就会是一个绝望的人了。”
Chicken thinks she's a penguin 梦想成为企鹅的母鸡
In Jinhu County, Jiangsu Province, a hen walked like a penguin by standing firmly in an upright position, the Daily Mail reported. The hen has smaller than normal wings, just like a penguin, and she never attempts to fly like other chickens in the coop. Instead, she chooses to waddle. Its owner said the hen has yet to take a dip in the water. Her unusual manner has saved her life: the owner has spared her from the cooking pot. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,在江苏省金湖县,有一只像企鹅一样直立行走的母鸡。它的翅膀像企鹅的那样小,且从来不像鸡舍里别的鸡那样飞,而是摇摇摆摆的的蹒跚而行。它的主人说这只奇特的母鸡还没有下过水,自己没舍得将它煮了下酒,全是因为它的姿态太与众不同了。
Flying giants 飞舞的蝠鲼(fú fèn)
Photographers Roland and Julia Seitre captured manta rays jumping high out of the water off the coast of Costa Rica, the Daily Mail reported. "The males jumped clear out of the water, up to three meters high," Mr. Seitre said. "They flapped their wings during the few seconds of flight, before hitting the surface with a loud banging noise. Some think it is a way to attract female attention as we saw pairs close by. Numerous males take off and land one after another. And, if they're feeling particularly playful, some even manage a somersault before plummeting back into the water with an impressive splash."




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