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Daily News 2010-11-25

Nauru, a tiny island country in the South Pacific claimed the top spot among the World's Fattest Countries this year with a whopping of 95% of its population overweight.

Nauru, a tiny island country in the South Pacific claimed the top spot among the World's Fattest Countries this year with a whopping of 95% of its population overweight.
Nauru named Fattest Country 2010 瑙鲁:今年“全球最肥国家”
Nauru, a tiny island country in the South Pacific claimed the top spot among the World's Fattest Countries this year with a whopping of 95% of its population overweight, the Global Post reports, citing a WHO report. Habitual local fattening ceremonies, plus the recent adoption of a Western diet have contributed to the prevalent obesity. China was ranked 148th in the list, with around 28.9% of its people overweight. 据加拿大《环球邮报》援引世界卫生组织的报告,南太平洋袖珍岛国瑙鲁被评为今年“全球最肥国家”,该国多达95%的人口体重超标。当地传统庆祝仪式均以大吃大喝为主,加上近年引入西方饮食习惯,该国人口普遍肥胖的现象因此出现。另悉,中国在此报告中位列第148,肥胖人群约占总人口28.9%。
Palin calls North Korea "allies" 佩林口误朝鲜成盟友
Former US vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is in the news again after confusing North and South Korea in a radio interview, ABC News reports. When asked her opinion on the outbreak of hostilities on the Korean peninsula, Palin said the United States needed to "stand with our North Korean allies." After being corrected by the interviewer, Palin corrected herself before continuing with the answer. 美国广播公司报道,美国前副总统候选人莎拉·佩林在一个广播节目中因把韩国和朝鲜搞混再次成为新闻的焦点。当被问到朝鲜半岛交火的问题时,佩林说美国需要“与我们的盟友朝鲜并肩作战”。经记者提醒,佩林纠正了自己的口误之后才继续回答其它的问题。
Getting a degree at McDonald's 去麦当劳拿学位吧
Fast food giant McDonald's has started to provide degree courses to its staff in Britain, the Metro reports. Employees are eligible for courses such as English, math and management, and will be awarded with either a certificate or a degree on completion. 据英国《都市报》消息,快餐巨头麦当劳开始在英国向其员工开设学位课程。课程包括英语、数学、管理等。完成课程后,学员将会获得资质认证或者学位。
Biz Stone won't sell Twitter 推特50亿美元也不卖
Twitter cofounder Biz Stone says the company has no plans to sell up, even for $5 billion, TechEye.com reports. Stone says the company has a fiduciary responsibility to consider all bids that come its way but Twitter is just getting started, and wants to become a huge company in its own right. Three months ago, Twitter turned down a $4 billion offer. 据“科技之眼”网站报道,推特联合创始人比兹·斯通日前表示,推特无对外出售计划,甚至50亿美元也不卖。斯通称,推特有责任考虑其他公司提出的收购计划,但因推特刚刚起步,还希望自主发展壮大。另悉,推特三个月前曾拒绝过高达40亿美元的收购报价。
Secret shoppers in demand 团购体验员轻松赚钱
As group-purchase websites have become increasingly popular, there's a growing demand for secret shoppers to sample the goods and services advertised and evaluate their quality and value, Cqnews.net reports. Secret shoppers pretend to be a routine customer as they help the group-purchase websites determine whether to continue business with a targeted company. Most group-purchase websites seek bargains on food and entertainment. Secret shoppers can easily earn 3,000 yuan a month with fun. 华龙网消息,时下愈加流行的团购使体验员这一工作也开始紧俏。据悉,体验员要做的就是尝试商家提供的产品和服务,并就其品质及价值作出评估。体验员一般装成普通消费者,以此帮助团购网站决定是否要继续与该商家合作。由于绝大多数团购产品是食品和娱乐休闲,体验员一个月就能轻松赚取3000元。
Man lives longer than he planned 老人卖房换钱享受人生
A childless, elderly man in Hubei's Wuhan City sold his house nine years ago with the hopes of using the money to enjoy the rest of his life, the Changjiang Daily reports. He estimated that he would die in ten years, so Xiao Shenzhi, 84, sold his house for about 30,000 yuan in 2001 and began to live leisurely. In 2009, he ran out of money yet he remained quite healthy. With the help of his community, Xiao obtained a basic cost-of-living allowance and was offered a housing subsidy from the government, but he chose to live with relatives in neighboring Jiangxi Province.



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