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Daily News 2010-12-13
Under the microscope: Historians in Italy have discovered that by magnifying the eyes of the Mona Lisa painting tiny numbers and letters can be seen.
Under the microscope: Historians in Italy have discovered that by magnifying the eyes of the Mona Lisa painting tiny numbers and letters can be seen.
Mona Lisa's coded message 《蒙娜丽莎》双目现密码
Historians have discovered minute numbers and letters in the eyes of the Mona Lisa, the Daily Mail reported. Silvano Vinceti, president of Italy's National Committee for Cultural Heritage, said the symbols are not visible to the naked eye but can be seen clearly with a magnifying glass. In the right eye are the letters LV which could well stand for Leonardo da Vinci, while in the left eye there are also symbols, but less clearly defined. It is very difficult to make them out, but they appear to be the letters CE, or possibly the letter B. In the arch of a bridge in the background the number 72, or perhaps an L followed by a 2, can be seen. The picture is almost 500 years old and the symbols are not as sharp and clear as when they were first painted. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,艺术史家日前在蒙娜丽莎的双目中发现了迷你数字和字母。意大利全国文化遗产委员会主席希尔瓦诺•文塞蒂称,这些符号用肉眼看不到,但在放大镜下却清晰可见。蒙娜丽莎的右眼内有LV字母,很可能代表了他的名字达芬奇,而左眼内也有一些符号,但不是很清晰,辨认起来有很大难度。它们看着像是字母CE,或是字母B。在背景中的拱桥上可以看到数字72,或者是一个L和2。这幅作品已由近500年的历史,所以这些符号不可能像刚刚画完时那样棱角分明,清晰可见。
Police arrest suspected pedophile 恋童痴汉奸50人
Dutch police said Sunday they had arrested a 27-year-old man on suspicion of sexually abusing up to 50 children at childcare centers in Amsterdam and for the distribution of child pornography, Reuters reported. The man was employed as a substitute childcare worker in the Dutch capital from February 2007, but he also advertised for work as a babysitter via the Internet. The man is suspected of abusing children up to the age of four. 路透社消息,荷兰警方周日称,一名27岁的男子因涉嫌在阿姆斯特丹多家托儿中心性侵50名儿童已被逮捕,该男子同时还涉嫌传播儿童色情片。这名嫌犯自2007年2月起在阿姆斯特丹儿童托管中心担任代理照护员,并在网络上应征担任保姆。该男子一般锁定4岁以下的儿童下手。
Europe's bees in danger 欧洲蜜蜂大量死亡
With 76 percent of food production and 84 percent of plant species dependent on pollination by bees, the European Parliament Agriculture Committee approved a draft resolution to increase aid to the beekeeping industry, according to the European Parliament's website. As bee mortality rises and the number of beekeepers in Europe declines, there's concern it could have a significant impact on food production. The resolution passed 30-1 with one abstention and awaits approval by the full Parliament. 据欧盟议会的官网报道,世界上76%的粮食作物和84%的植物依靠蜜蜂传授花粉,欧盟议会农业委员会达成决议草案将加强对养蜂业的扶持力度。随着蜜蜂死亡率上升、养蜂人数下降,人们担心这会对粮食生产造成严重影响。欧盟议会农业委员会以30票对1票、1票弃权通过该决议。决议还有待全议会通过。
Bayern Munich keeps star midfielder “小猪”续约拜仁至2016
German footballer Bastian Schweinsteiger extended his contract with Bundesliga club Bayern Munich until 2016, according to ESPN. This summer rumors had it that Schweinsteiger, 26, would be headed to Manchester United with his previous deal having been due to expire at the end of next season. 据ESPN报道,德国球星“小猪”施魏因施泰格近日与德甲拜仁慕尼黑俱乐部续约至2016年。今年夏天,有传言称26岁的“小猪”与俱乐部的合同明年赛季结束到期后,他将转会曼联。
Using beer to bring down drug baron 啤酒机上印通缉令
American officials have come up with a creative way of apprehending a suspected criminal - putting the face of the notorious Burmese opium baron on beer coolers to distribute in Bangkok's red-light district bars, The Telegraph reported. The US and Thai police are offering a US$2 million reward for information leading to the capture of Wei Hsueh-kang, who is thought to frequent the districts. Wei operates in the mountains of Burma just over the border from Thailand and allegedly commands an army of 30,000 rebels armed with everything from artillery to anti-tank missiles and even shoulder-launched anti-aircraft weapons. 英国《每日电讯报》消息,美国在泰国抓捕缅甸毒枭出新招,将通缉照片印在啤酒冷却器上,然后分发给曼谷红灯区的酒吧。据说贩毒头目魏学刚经常光顾此区域,美国和泰国警方此次合作,悬赏2百万美元缉拿他。魏学刚手下有3万左右反政府叛军,他们在缅甸与泰国交界处的山区活动,配有火炮、反坦克导弹及肩射式防空武器等各种装备。

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