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Daily News 2010-12-29

Ashley Cole, the footballer, and Cheryl Cole, the singer, who divorced this year after allegations of his infidelity [Photo: REX]

Ashley Cole, the footballer, and Cheryl Cole, the singer, who divorced this year after allegations of his infidelity [Photo: REX]
Role models making adultery seem normal 明星出轨恐带坏青少年
Children are being taught that marriages are not meant to last because so many professional footballers have high-profile affairs, experts have warned, The Daily Telegraph reports. England internationals such as John Terry and Wayne Rooney, whose alleged infidelity was reported in the tabloid press, are role models for millions of teenage boys. Experts raised concerns that the actions of pop musicians and footballers may be creating "norms" in behavior for children. Reports in tabloids claimed that Rooney met with a prostitute while his wife was pregnant. Just months before last summer's World Cup, it was alleged that Terry had an affair with the girlfriend of his England team-mate Wayne Bridge. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,专家警告说,许多职业足球运动员婚姻丑闻不断,令青少年觉得婚姻并不会长久。作为数百万男孩的偶像,英格兰足球明星约翰·特里和韦恩·鲁尼的不忠丑闻却曾见诸报端。专家提醒人们注意,流行音乐人和足球运动员的所作所为可能会成为孩子们效仿的行为模式。此前有小报曝料称,鲁尼在妻子怀孕期间招妓;而今年夏天世界杯开赛前几个月,特里又搭上了英格兰队队友韦恩·布里奇的女友。
China refines turning oneself in “大义灭亲”不算自首
The Supreme People's Court issued a series of specific regulations to refine "turning oneself in" and "performing meritorious service to atone for one's crimes," the Beijing News reports. It stated that it cannot be considered turning oneself in if a suspect confesses only after being sent to judicial authorities by relatives, but liberal punishment can be considered depending on the situation. Suspects in hit-and-run accidents who voluntarily surrender and confess can be classified as turning oneself in, but whether liberal punishment is applicable will depend on circumstances. Individuals who confess crimes that have not been discovered by the relevant governmental departments shall be seen as turning oneself in. But if the governmental departments discover criminal tools in suspects' vehicles, bags or through a body search prior to the confession, it won't be categorized as turning oneself in. The regulations also rule that it shall not be considered rendering meritorious service if a suspect acquires information through illegal ways to report on other people's crimes; and also, a suspect rendering meritorious service will gain less lenience for that than by voluntarily surrendering to authorities. 据《新京报》报道,近日,最高人民法院发布了一系列有关自首和立功情节的细化规定。主要包括:疑犯被亲友送至司法机关,即使其如实供认犯罪事实,也不能认定为自首,但可以酌情从轻处罚;交通肇事逃逸后自动投案,如实供述自己罪行的,应认定为自首,但应视情况决定是否对其从宽处罚;罪行未被有关部门发觉,但疑犯主动交代了犯罪事实的,应当视为自动投案。若在主动交代前,有关部门在疑犯身上、随身携带的物品、驾乘的交通工具等处发现犯罪工具的,不能认定为自动投案。该意见还规定:非法获得举报线索不算立功,且立功从宽幅度要小于自首。
China's Gucci generation splurges 国人赴英狂购奢侈品
Wealthy Chinese tourists are expected to spend a billion pounds on luxury goods, the Daily Mail reports. The booming 'Peking Pound' has accounted for almost a third of post-Christmas purchases of high end goods from Burberry, Mulberry, Louis Vuitton and Gucci. Many West End stores have appointed assistants who speak Mandarin to help cash in on the massive new market. The Oxford Street department store Selfridges in London has started accepting China UnionPay cards. 《每日邮报》消息,英国商家预测中国游客将在英国的奢侈品上消费10亿英镑。来自中国的消费几乎占到了圣诞后高端产品包括巴宝莉、玛百莉、路易威登和古琦等品牌消费的三分之一。许多伦敦西区的商店雇佣会说普通话的店员以赢得中国人的大市场。伦敦牛津街塞尔弗里奇百货公司已经开始接受银联卡支付。
Chinese 'kicking our butts' 美州长:中国不是软脚虾
Six inches of snow has caused severe disruptions in the state of Pennsylvania, USA. The National Football League postponed the Eagles' home game against the Vikings scheduled on Sunday due to snow, the Daily Telegraph reported. "We've become a nation of wussies. The Chinese are kicking our butts in everything," Ed Rendell, the upset governor of Pennsylvania, told a radio station, "If this was in China, do you think the Chinese would have called off the game?" Rendell said. "The people would have been marching down to the stadium. They would have walked and they would have been doing calculus on the way down." 英国《每日电讯报》消息,美国宾夕法尼亚州15厘米的降雪已经给当地造成了严重影响。美国国家橄榄球联盟已推迟原定于周日的老鹰队主场对阵维京人队的比赛。愤怒的宾州州长埃德·伦德尔在接受一家广播电台采访时说:“我们已成为软脚虾国家,中国人在各方面都比我们行。如果这是在中国,中国人会取消这场比赛吗?他们会走向体育场,一边走还一边算微积分。”
Satellite system monitors Sudan 克鲁尼卫星监测苏丹
A group founded by American actor George Clooney is teaming up with Google, a U.N. agency and anti-genocide organizations to launch satellite surveillance of the border between north and south Sudan, the Daily Telegraph reports. The aim is to prevent a new civil war after the South votes in a secession referendum next month. The satellite imagery will point out troop movements, civilian flight and other signs of impending conflict. The U.N. Operational Satellite Applications Program and Google will publish the findings online. 《每日电讯报》报道,由美国演员乔治·克鲁尼、谷歌、联合国某机构和反种族灭绝组织组成的团队将在苏丹南北方的边界上空实施卫星监测,以防止下月苏丹南方进行南北方分治的公民投票后发生新的内战。卫星图像将记录军队活动、民用班机,以及其它冲突升级的信号。联合国卫星应用程序和谷歌将在网上发布这些图像。
Study touts no sex before marriage 婚前禁欲婚姻更稳定
Couples who forgo sex before marriage have happier, more stable relationships and a more fulfilling sex life, according to a new study, the Daily Telegraph reports. Psychologists found that couples who waited until after their wedding night rated the stability of their relationships 22 percent higher than those whose physical relationships developed earlier. Those couples applying abstinence were also found to have 20 percent increased levels of relationship satisfaction, 12 percent better communication and 15 percent improved "sexual quality." Experts said that this may be due to improved communication between individuals who were chaste before marriage. 《每日电讯报》消息,一项新的研究表明,婚前禁欲的夫妻婚姻关系更稳定,性生活更美好。心理学家发现直到新婚之夜才发生性行为的夫妻婚姻稳定性比之前有性行为的夫妻高22%,其对夫妻关系的满意度高20%,夫妻间交流多20%,性生活质量也高15%。专家认为这可能是由于婚前禁欲的夫妻有更好的交流。

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