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Daily News 2011-01-05

New research shows that people who use medical websites to self-diagnose risk their health because many fail to verify whether the information is credible.

New research shows that people who use medical websites to self-diagnose risk their health because many fail to verify whether the information is credible.
Online self-diagnosis dangerous 求医问药不能全靠网络
New research shows that people who use medical websites to self-diagnose risk their health because many fail to verify whether the information is credible, the Daily Telegraph reported. "People may dismiss serious symptoms when they should get advice from a doctor," warned Dr. Annabel Bentley. A survey questioned over 12,000 people worldwide and found that 73% of Britons went online for health information, 64% looked for information about medicine, and 58% for self-diagnosis. However, only 25% bothered to check where the information had originated. 英国《每日电讯报》消息,一项新的研究发现,利用医疗网站自我诊断的人们其实是在拿自己的健康开玩笑,因为很多人根本不会去分辨网上信息的真伪。安娜贝尔·班特利博士称:“当出现严重症状需要看医生的时候,人们往往会忽视。”这份调查访问了全球1.2万人,发现73%的英国人上网查询健康信息,64%的英国人上网查找药品信息,还有58%的英国人则依据网上信息进行自我诊断,然而只有25%的人会花精力去核实消息的来源。
Governor assassinated by own guard 巴基斯坦一省长遭枪杀
The governor of Punjab Province, who is also one of Pakistan's most outspoken politicians, was shot dead in Islamabad Tuesday by one of his own bodyguards, the Daily Telegraph reported. Police say Salman Taseer, 56, was assassinated because of his controversial campaign to reform the country's blasphemy laws. His death is the most high-profile political assassination since the murder of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in December 2007. 英国《每日电讯报》消息,巴基斯坦旁遮普省省督萨拉曼·塔西尔周二在伊斯兰堡被自己的一名保镖射杀身亡。56岁的塔西尔是巴基斯坦政界最直言不讳的领导人之一。警方认为这起枪杀和塔西尔试图改革亵渎法这一备受争议的做法不无关联。这起暗杀事件是自前总理贝·布托2007年12月遇刺身亡以来巴基斯坦发生的最严重的政治暴力事件。
Putin literally peaks 吉国命名山脉为普京
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin is to be immortalized through the naming of a peak in his honor in the Tian Shan range of Northern Kyrgyzstan, the Daily Telegraph reported. The 14,587-foot (about 4,446 meters) mountain will become Peak Vladimir Putin. Kyrgyzstan's new Prime Minister Almazbek Atambayev, who signed the bill to rename the peak, wants to show Russia a sign of friendship. 英国《每日电讯报》消息,吉尔吉斯斯坦北部天山山脉的一座山峰将以俄罗斯总理弗拉基米尔·普京的名字命名,普京从此将名垂千古。这座14587英尺(约4446米)高的山峰将被称为普京峰。吉尔吉斯斯坦新总理阿尔马兹别克·阿坦巴耶夫签署了重新命名该山峰的议案,向俄罗斯发出友谊信号。
10-year-old girl spots supernova 10岁女孩发现超新星
A 10-year-old Canadian girl Kathryn Aurora Gray became the youngest person ever to discover a supernova, according to the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, AFP reported. She spotted Supernova 2010lt in the Camelopardalis constellation in a galaxy 240 light-years from Earth as she combed dozens of telescopic images of star fields last Sunday. Supernovae are massive stars that run out of fuel, collapse under the weight of their own gravity and become an ultra-dense object known as a neutron star. 法新社电,据加拿大皇家天文学会表示,加拿大10岁女孩凯瑟琳·奥罗拉·格蕾成为历史上最年轻的发现超新星的人。上周日,格蕾在梳理数十张通过望远镜拍摄的照片时,发现了该名为2010lt的超新星。此星位于鹿豹座的位置,在一个距离地球240光年的星系中。超新星指的是内核即将燃尽、面临死亡的大质量恒星,庞大的质量使得星体在自身引力下塌缩,随后演变成密度极大的中子星。
Long relationships benefit health 长久情侣关系有利健康
Lasting relationships benefit people's mental health -- even if they are unmarried, a study has found, the Daily Telegraph reported. Men and women who are in relationships for longer than five years are less likely to be depressed, to consider or attempt suicide, or to be dependent on alcohol or drugs. It is well known that people who are married lead healthier lives and live longer, but it was not known if the effect was the same for those living together. The study in the British Journal of Psychiatry examined 1,000 people living in New Zealand by a team at the University of Otago. 英国《每日电讯报》消息,一项研究发现,长久的情侣关系有利于人的心理健康,即使不结婚也一样。处于情侣关系超过五年的男女情绪低落的可能性更小,不太可能想自杀,或依赖酒精或毒品等。众所周知结婚的人往往生活得更健康、寿命更长,但这一情况对于同居的人是否也适用却不太为人所知。这一研究是新西兰奥塔哥大学的一个团队做的,他们对1000名居住在新西兰的人进行了调查,研究结果发表在英国的《精神病学期刊》上。

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