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Daily News 2011-01-17

An explosion ripped open a two-meter-deep, 6-meter-wide hole on Ruiguang Road in Rui'an City, Zhejiang Province at about 4:00 p.m. Sunday. A passing bus was tossed four meters high before dropping into the crater.

An explosion ripped open a two-meter-deep, 6-meter-wide hole on Ruiguang Road in Rui'an City, Zhejiang Province at about 4:00 p.m. Sunday. A passing bus was tossed four meters high before dropping into the crater.
Explosion on Rui'an City road 爆炸致公交车飞高4米
An explosion ripped open a two-meter-deep, 6-meter-wide hole on Ruiguang Road in Rui'an City, Zhejiang Province at about 4:00 p.m. Sunday. A passing bus was tossed four meters high before dropping into the crater. Fortunately, there were no passengers aboard, but the driver and a pedestrian were injured, Xinhua reports. 新华社消息,1月16日下午4时许,浙江省瑞安市瑞光大道处发生爆炸。爆炸在地面产生一个深约2米、直径约6米的大坑。一辆经过的公交车被震到4米多高后掉进坑内。所幸当时车内并无乘客,仅公交驾驶员和路边一小孩受伤。
Manned space station project launched 载人空间站研究迈大步
China's first key fundamental research project in the astronautic field has been officially launched by the Ministry of Technology in the Astronaut Center of China, the PLA Daily reported. Researchers will study how factors such as zero gravity, alternating day and night shifts and maneuvering in a narrow environment affect astronauts. The goal is to provide them safe and healthy conditions during their extended stay in outer space. The project spans from 2011 to 2015. 《解放军报》消息,我国航天领域第一个国家重点基础研究项目已经在中国航天员中心正式启动。该项目围绕失重、频繁昼夜变更、狭小环境等因素对航天员的影响开展研究,目的是为了给航天员在长期空间飞行中提供安全、健康的工作环境。此项目的执行时间为2011年至2015年。
No heating for Henan residents 河南林州停暖真相
The closure of a thermal power plant in Linzhou, Henan has left 20,000 city residents without heating for 14 days and likely the rest of the winter, the Beijing News reported. It was previously reported that Youchuang Thermal Power Plant was shut down to meet energy-saving goals, but new information has cast doubt on that explanation. In 2007, the Linzhou government claimed that it would shut down Youchuang to commence a much bigger project, the Datang thermal power plant, for which it received 23 million yuan in state subsidy. However, the Youchuang power plant continued to operate secretly, which was discovered by the National Development and Reform Commission in December 2010. The local government then demolished the plant on Jan. 4, despite the fact that the Datang project is still unfinished and unlikely to be finished until well into spring. 《新京报》消息,河南林州一家火电厂的关停已经让当地2万名城市居民在没有供暖的条件下瑟瑟发抖了14天。之前有报道称,林州优创火电厂被关闭是为了完成节能减排的指标。但是记者发现,事情远远没有那么简单。2007年,林州为了上规模更大的大唐火电站的项目,提出要关停林州优创火电厂,并由此获得2300万补贴款。但是此后,林州优创火电厂一直在偷偷发电,去年12月被国家发改委查出。随后林州市在1月4日炸掉了该火电厂。而大唐火电站项目尚未完工。这也就造成了全市停暖。
Tunisia PM to announce new government 突总理宣布新政府成立
Tunisia's prime minister promised to announce a new coalition government on Monday, hoping to maintain the momentum of political progress to ward off fresh protests and also undermine gunmen loyal to the ousted president, Reuters reported. Tunisian special forces exchanged fire with the ousted president's security force near the presidential palace on Sunday, two days after Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali was ousted. Prime Minister Mohamed Ghannouchi promised rapid action to fill the power vacuum. 据路透社电,突尼斯总理承诺将在当地时间周一宣布成立新的联合政府,以确保目前政治进步的势头,避免爆发新的抗议活动,并削弱忠于前总统的卫队。前总统本·阿里流亡两天后的周日,突尼斯特种部队与本·阿里的护卫在总统府附近发生枪战。总理穆罕默德·加努希承诺将迅速采取行动,填补权力真空。
Venezuela wants Colombian show off air 委内瑞拉要求停播肥皂剧
Venezuela has told a private TV company to stop showing a Colombian soap opera it says is insulting to the country, BBC reports. Chepe Fortuna stars a character called Colombia, while her sister is named Venezuela and owns a dog called Little Hugo, the same name as Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez. In one episode, Venezuela loses Little Hugo, prompting Colombia to tell her she is better off without him. Venezuela's telecommunications regulator Conatel said the secretary character named Venezuela was "repeatedly characterized as associated with crime, interference and vulgarity." Her gossipy and unscrupulous manner, it said, showed "the shameless manipulation of the plot to demoralize the Venezuelan people." 据英国广播公司报道,委内瑞拉近日要求一家私营电视台停播一部哥伦比亚肥皂剧,声称这部剧有辱委内瑞拉。在连续剧中,哥伦比亚女演员柴培·法图娜饰演角色“哥伦比亚”,其在片中的妹妹名为“委内瑞拉”,她有一只小狗叫“小乌戈”,与委内瑞拉总统乌戈·查韦斯同名。在其中一集中,“委内瑞拉”丢失了“小乌戈”。“哥伦比亚”告诉妹妹,没有“小乌戈”,她会过得更好。委内瑞拉电信监管负责人康纳特尔指出,片中的秘书一角“委内瑞拉”被不断描述成一个和犯罪和干政有关的角色,十分粗俗,而且爱讲小道消息、肆无忌惮。这种无耻阴谋会让委内瑞拉人民士气低落。

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