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Quotes from Premier Wen's press conference
[中英双语] 2011两会温总理答记者问精彩语录

At the press conference, Wen answered questions raised by Chinese and foreign media concerning Chinese economy, reforms, and the development of the cultural sector, among others.

At the press conference, Wen answered questions raised by Chinese and foreign media concerning Chinese economy, reforms, and the development of the cultural sector, among others.
制定政策细则 推进非公经济发展 China formulating detailed rules to develop non-state economy
我们的方针是要实现、巩固和发展公有制经济,同时支持、鼓励和引导非公经济的发展。 "The government's principle is to consolidate and develop the state-owned sector of the economy and at the same time, to support, encourage and guide the development of the private sector of the economy."
我们对不同所有制的企业都一视同仁,鼓励相互竞争,共同发展。 "We encourage different economic entities to compete with each other and reinforce common development."
目前不存在所谓“国进民退”的问题,同样也不存在“民进国退”的问题。 "I don't think we have such a problem as the state-owned enterprises forging ahead while privately-held enterprises falling behind. Nor do we have the opposite problem."
改革干部考核的标准 Reform of government officials' evaluation criteria
决定一个国家发展的主要在教育和科技。 "Education and science and technology are key to a country's development."
我以为有两个数字比GDP更为重要,一是教育经费占国民经济的比重;一是研发经费占生产的比重。这两条就决定了我们这个民族和国家的创新力量,这才是最有力、最持久、最可靠的发展因素。 "I believe two figures are more important than GDP -- the GDP proportion of expenditure on education and the share of investment in research and development in the whole production process. Both determine the innovation capability of our country. They are the strongest, ever lasting and most reliable source of sustainable development." 
我以为对干部政绩的考核,最重要的不仅要看一个地区的经济总量,而且要看经济与社会发展的协调。 "The most important measure for evaluating a government official is to see whether his region has achieved coordinated development in both the economy and social affairs and not only in quantitative economic growth."
对日本遭受地震表示慰问 Condolences to quake-hit Japan
我想借此机会,向在这次灾难中遇难的日本人民表示深切的哀悼,向全体日本人民表示诚挚的慰问。 "I would like to express my deep condolences to victims in this unprecedented earthquake and extend sincere solicitudes to all the Japanese people."
中国也是一个多地震的国家,我们感同身受。 "China is also an earthquake-prone country, so we understand the hardship that Japan experiences now."
我们的救援队昨天已经到达日本,我们运送的救灾物资也到达了日本。我们将根据日本的需要,愿意继续提供必要的帮助。 "Chinese rescuers and relief materials arrived in Japan on Sunday and China is willing to offer more necessary help when needed."


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