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Zhou: China's forex reserves excessive

China's huge foreign exchange reserves have already risen to an unnecessary, unreasonable level, People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said Monday in a speech at Tsinghua University.
China's huge foreign exchange reserves have already risen to an unnecessary, unreasonable level, People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said Monday in a speech at Tsinghua University.
China's huge foreign exchange reserves have already risen to an unnecessary, unreasonable level, People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan said Monday in a speech at Tsinghua University. 央行行长周小川18日晚间在清华大学金融高端讲坛上坦言,外汇储备已经超过了我国需要的合理水平。
"Excessive foreign reserve accumulation has led to excess liquidity in our markets, adding to the pressure on the central bank to manage the money supply," said Zhou. "The State Council has required a cut in excessive reserves and good management of the funds accumulated, including diversification of investments." 周小川表示,“外汇积累过多,导致市场流动性过多,也增加了央行对冲工作的压力。国务院已经提出来要减少外汇储备的过度积累,对于已经积累的部分一定要管好,其中一条就是要多样化。”
China's foreign exchange reserves rose 24.4 percent year-on-year to US$3.044 trillion by the end of March. China has had the world's largest forex reserves since February 2009 when it overtook Japan. 截至3月末,我国的外汇储备余额已经突破3万亿美元,同比增长24.4%。中国于2009年2月超过日本,成为全球外汇储备第一大国。

Zhou said China's government hasn't found a good way to solve problems with local government financing vehicles. According to Zhou, the central government is considering letting local authorities pursue measures such as a real-estate tax or allowing local governments to issue municipal bonds to finance future regional infrastructure construction.


(China.org.cn by Wu Nanlan, April 19, 2011)


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