File photo: Gu Yueguo |
Present Posts
Research Professor of Linguistics in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Beijing Foreign Studies University
Executive Dean of the Institute of BeiWai Online Education
Head of Contemporary Linguistics Department, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Special Professor of the University of Nottingham (2004-2007)
Present Academic Posts
Co-chief editor of Contemporary Linguistics (national)
Advisory Editor of Journal of Pragmatics (international journal)
Advisory Editor of Text (international journal)
Advisory Editor of Pragmatics (International Pragmatics Association Journal)
Special Issue Editor of Journal of Pragmatics
Special Issue Editor of Text
Advisory Editor of a monologue series of the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface, with Elsevier Science Publisher, Holland
Chief editor of a monologue series Contemporary Linguistics and ELT in China, with Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Advisory Editor of Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research (national)
Standing member of the Executive Board of the International Pragmatics Association
Standing member of the Consultation Board of the Chinese Linguistics Association
M.A. with Distinction in Language Studies Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language Lancaster University, UK
Ph.D. in Pragmatics and Rhetoric Department of Linguistics and Modern English Language Lancaster University, UK
Certificate with a Mark of Distinction Sino-British Summer School of Philosophy The British Academy and The Chinese Academy
Research Prizes and Honours
National Top Prize for linguistic research 1993 by Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation
Beijing Municipal Top Prize for linguistic research 1994
National Top Ten Post-doctorate Researcher Prize 1995 by Guo Shi Post-doctorate Award Foundation
A K. C. Wong Fellow of the British Academy
A guest professor of Capital Normal University
An honorary chair professor of linguistics of Shanxi University
An honorary dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics
Research Grants Awarded
Post-doctoral Research grant 1988-90 from the State Post-doctorate Research Foundation
Project Funding 1993-94 from Humanities and Social Science Research Foundation of the State Education Commission
British Council Research Fund 1992-93 • Hong Kong University Vice-Chancellor Fund 1996
Online Education Research from the Ministry of Education 2001
ICT and ELT in Chinese context --- 21st century key project funded by the Ministry of Education 2003
Publications and Conference Papers
Publications in English (Research papers and textbooks)
1988 In search of a safe ground. In Littlejohn, ed. Processes and Methods. pp6-17
1990 Politeness phenomena in modern Chinese. Journal of Pragmatics, No. 3, pp.237-257
1993 The impasse of perlocution. Journal of Pragmatics No. 20, pp. 405-432 1993 Pragmatics and rhetoric: a collaborative approach to conversation. Pretending to Communicate, ed. by Herman Parrate, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, pp.173-195
1996 Doctor-patient interaction as goal-directed discourse. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, Vol. 7, Nos 3 & 4, pp.156-176
1996 A Guide to Success: Orientation
English in Daily Life
English at Leisure
English at Work
English in Current Affairs
Chief editor, author and co-author, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press
1996 Steering a middle course. In Collection of Papers at the 5th International Language Education Conference.
1997 Five ways of handling a bedpan, Text, 17(4) 1997, pp.457-475
1997 A Guide to Success 2: Learning Strategies
English for Studying
Cross-cultural Communication
English in a Changing World
English through Literature
Chief editor, author and co-author, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press
1997 Conversation and Sentencehood. In Text 17(4), pp. co-authored with Shen Jiaxuan
1997 Undo Doing Pragmatics -- A book review, Journal of Pragmatics
1997 Discourse Analysis in China, co-editor of a special issue of Text
1998 A Guide to Success 3: Professionalism
Language and Linguistics: A Workbook
English Language Teaching Methodology (Book 1)
English Language Teaching Methodology (Book 2)
Practical Project Design
Chief editor, author and co-author, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press
1999 Towards a model of situated discourse. In Ken Turner, ed. The Semantics and Pragmatics Interface. Elsevier Science Publisher
1999 Chinese healthcare system: an introduction. In David Smith, ed. Special issue of Health Communication, pp.203-208
1999 Medical decision making and self construal in Hong Kong and Beijing. Co-authored with Min Sun Kim, and David Smith. In David Smith, ed. Special issue of Health Communication, pp. 249-260
1999 Reconstructing humanistic and stylistic traditions in Chinese rhetoric. Keynote speech at the 3rd International Conference of East and West Communication: Challenges for the New Century, HK 1997. Published in Hu Wenzhong, ed. Aspects of Cross-Cultural Communication, Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
2000 co-chief editor of Active English series (4 Bands, 12 volumes). Published jointly by Longman and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
2001 The changing orders of discourse in a changing China. In Pan, H. ed. Studies in Chinese Linguistics, Volume 2, pp. 31-58 Linguistics Society of Hong Kong
2001 Chinese officialdom at work in discourse. In Barron, Bruce and Nunan, eds. Knowledge and Discourse in the Asian Pacific. Longman
2002 Towards an understanding of workplace discourse. In C. Candlin, ed. Professional Discourse: Theory and Practice. The City University of Hong Kong Press
2001 co-chief-editor of Read into Human Civilization and Culture. (Book 1, 2 volumes) Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
2002 Sampling a Chinese spoken corpus of situated discourse. Paris University Press
2002 From classroom to distance to internet. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
2003 Towards a multiple-goal neo-Grice. In the International Journal of Pragmatics,
2003 (Vol.14) Forthcoming A multimodal text analysis of an anniversary ceremony in China – A corpus linguistic approach. Submitted as a contribution to a special issue of Text. 2005
Publications in Chinese
1982 Notes on rhetoric in the 18th and 19th century England. Journal of Rhetorical Studies, No. 2, pp. 18-20
1983 Reflections on modern British and American rhetoric. Journal of Rhetorical Studies, No. 4, pp. 23-25
1987 A Survey of Contemporary Western Rhetoric. In collaboration with Dechun Wang and others (personal contribution: 2/5 of the total volume). Published by Fujian People's Press 1989 Austin's speech act theory: its elucidation and criticism. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No. 1, pp. 30- 39
1989 An outline of conversational rhetoric. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research No. 3, pp. 8-15. Reprinted in Rhetorical Studies, vol. 5, 1991
1989 Burke's theory of identification: a comparative study of Chinese and Western rhetorical thoughts. Journal of Rhetoric Studies, No. 5, pp.24-27
1990 Contemporary western rhetoric in historical perspective. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No. 2, pp. 10-25
1990 A review of The Logic of Natural Language. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No. 3, pp.33-4
1992 Leech's theory of rhetoric. In Journal of Foreign Language Research, No. 4, pp.
1992 Politeness, pragmatics and culture. Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No. 4, pp. 10-17. Reprinted in Language and Culture ed. by Hu Wenzhong 1993
1994 John Searle: from speech act theory to the philosophy of mind. Linguistics Abroad, No. 2, pp.1-8
1994 John Searle's speech act theory: application and criticism. Linguistics Abroad, No. 3, pp. 10-16
1996 Self-access learning: a research report (co-authored with Yueyuan Huang) Journal of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No. 2, pp. 9-13
1998 Corpus and linguistics research. Contemporary Linguistics, No. 1, pp.1-4
1999 Linguistic "facts" and paradigms. Contemporary Linguistics, No. 3, pp.3-14
2002 Compiling Chinese spoken corpus: some theoretical issues. In Globalization and the 21st Century, Beijing: the Social Sciences Publisher, pp. 484-500
2003 Reading Grice. In Studies in the Ways of Words by Grice. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
2003 Reading Austin. In How to Do Things with Words. Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
2003 Online Education: Nature and Status in China. In《中国远程教育》No 4.
2004 Online Education: Philosophy, Design and Solution. In Applied Linguistics, No. 1
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